F. T. Wright

Fred WrightFrederic T. Wright (1925-1997) was born and raised in the small town of Mirani, in North Queensland, Australia. His mother read herself into the Seventh-day Adventist faith, and passed that on to her children.

Fred was the eldest of three sons and entered Australasian Missionary College (now called Avondale) at the age of 19. Marriage in 1949, and some debts incurred while attempting colporteur work, forced him to stop college, and in 1953, he eventually found work as a woodwork and building construction teacher in New Zealand Missionary College, and became a local church elder.

While teaching in the college, the rebellion and resistance of some of the boys tested Fred’s patience beyond its limits and he found himself filled with anger and fury towards their stubbornness. This anger was kept under control in the classroom but usually vented itself upon his wife and children on the weekends, where a torrent of angry words would be unleashed. Then came remorse, and regret, and confessions to God and pleas for forgiveness. But there was no deliverance. The sad pattern would repeat over and over in his life, and nothing seemed to help.

At this time there was a revival of the 1888 gospel message of A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner in the Seventh-day Adventist church. Their writings had been rediscovered, and brought to the attention of many. It was through contact with that message of living victory and deliverance that Fred finally found rest and peace in his heart, and the terrible power of anger that had controlled him was broken.

Sin is Not What You DoHe came to a realization that “sin is not what you do, but what you are,” and that real forgiveness involved not just taking away guilt for wrong actions, but removing of the roots of sin in the heart of man.

Fred was later disfellowshipped from the Adventist church (around the mid-1950’s) for refusing to stop teaching this message to others. Shortly after, the Lord called him to full-time ministry, and the message he taught grew and expanded over the next 40 years of his life, resulting in the formation of the Sabbath Rest Advent Church.

axe to the rootFred taught that the “carnal mind” of Romans 8:7 was equivalent to the “stony heart” mentioned in Ezekiel 36:26, and that it was an evil spiritual nature that needed to be removed from the human body, and replaced with the divine seed of Jesus Christ. Like John the Baptist, he taught that “the axe must be laid to the root of the tree.”

Because he often used the illustration of the good tree and evil tree (or “thornbush”) to illustrate the condition of man’s spiritual nature, he was called “thornbush Wright” by some of his enemies. This did not bother him though!

All the themes he taught were grounded and centered in that beginning message of living righteousness over the power of sin.

Freedom from Sin

Freedom from Sin

Many people in our day desire to serve God and do right, but find in themselves a power that resists this desire and causes them to repeatedly fail of reaching their aspirations. Those who understand and apply the message of this booklet will find themselves delivered from this miserable state to be free in the Lord.

This small book is the cornerstone of the Adventist gospel message and is the clearest presentation of the essence of the everlasting gospel for our times. Like the Reformation of Luther’s time, the Adventist reformation sprang from the living experience of forgiveness of sins in the lives of its founders. Fred Wright here explains the gospel that saved him from the slavery of sin, and like in Luther’s day, the book of Romans is the focal point.

It presents a deeper definition of the problem of sin, and uses Romans 7 and 8 to illustrate the problem and solution. It explains the way of deliverance, and how to exercise the faith required to see the promises of the Bible fulfilled in the life. Fred also relates his own personal conversion experience.

The original title for this work was “From Bondage to Freedom”. I’ve renamed it for clarity and concision. The text is identical to the last revision that Fred oversaw (from the F. T. Wright Writings Folio Views collection) only reformatted (and corrected) for ease of reading. But the newer diagrams from the 2006 version have been used, some new pictures and a new cover, and two pieces of original artwork drawn by Fred have been restored from the original edition. 86p


  1. Part 1: The Problem
    • What is Sin?
    • Sin as an Action
    • Sin as a Master
    • Romans 7
    • Saved, or Not?
    • Three Witnesses
    • A Candid Consideration
    • The Nature of Man
  2. Part 2: The Solution
    • The Carnal Mind Cannot Obey
    • The Law Cannot Change
    • Eradication and Replacement
    • Death Means Death!
    • Steps to Deliverance
    • My Witness
  3. Part 3: After the Rebirth
    • Not from Bondage to Bondage
    • In Practical Terms
    • Maintenance
    • Watch
    • The Batle is the Lord’s
  4. In Conclusion

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Acceptable Confession

Acceptable Confession

A confession that is acceptable to God, brings both forgiveness and cleansing. In order to receive these two blessings, sin itself must be confessed: not just the actions of sin, or the guilt of sin, or the consequences of sin; but the actual power of sin, the forfeited life.

This lesson is clearly taught in the deliverance of Israel from Egypt, and in the Sanctuary Service.

A failure to give an acceptable confession means that sin is not cleansed, and therefore not forgiven. Many Christians today think that they have confessed their sins to Christ, and are therefore forgiven. But because they do not confess the actual sin, but only the fruit of it, they are seriously mistaken, and do not know the real freedom that God wants to give them.

This booklet reveals what is an acceptable confession with God, and how to apply it. 81p

1 John 1
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Updated Dec 2022: New ePDF formatting rules applied.


  1. Inadequate Confessions
  2. The Revival
  3. The Reformation
  4. In the Sanctuary
  5. At the Altar
  6. In the Light of the Judgment
  7. Summary

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God’s Way of Salvation

God's Way of Salvation

The studies comprising this book were presented at a camp meeting in 1979. They have been transcribed, and edited into book format. They present the basic Gospel message of deliverance from sin, using the steps of the Passover service as a guide.

The Passover service, which marked the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery, was ordained by God as an object lesson of the steps of the Gospel that lead to the deliverance from the power of sin. This is not well understood today, hence many of the so-called gospels taught in other churches leave out important steps, and therefore fail of giving the seekers the deliverance they long for.

This book contains various points of truth that are also written in other books: Freedom from Sin, Revival and Reformation, The Living and the Dead. At the same time, the presentation contains some interesting points not found in other publications.

It would be a very good introductory book for new believers or interests. Pictures and a diagram have been added. Note: These studies are also available in their original audio format here. 114p


  1. Introduction
    • Only One Way
    • The Problem of Sin
    • What Is Sin?
    • Salvation From Sin
    • The Gospel Is Power
  2. Romans 7
    • The Law Brings Conviction
    • A Life Preserver
    • Sold Under Sin
    • An Unwilling Sinner
    • Under the Power of Sin
  3. The Passover
    • Slavery in Egypt
    • What Was the Solution?
    • The Spiritual Parallel
    • The Passover Service
  4. Circumcision
    • Abraham’s Good Start
    • A Crisis
    • A Human Solution
    • God Reiterates the Promise
    • The Sign of Circumcision
    • Circumcision Related to the Passover
  5. The Sacrifice of the Lamb
    • Choosing the Lamb
    • Killing the Lamb
    • Accomplishment and Application
    • Sprinkling the Blood
  6. Eating the Lamb
    • Life in the Word
    • Life in Jesus Christ
  7. The Power of God
    • Saved From Sin
    • Exercising Faith
    • Promises of Power
  8. The Example of Healing

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God’s Sabbath Rest

God's Sabbath Rest

Ancient Israel failed to enter into God’s rest because they did not understand His ways. This book outlines clearly just what God’s ways are, and how we may make those ways our ways, and thus be true Sabbath-keepers.

The Sabbath commandment means much more than merely resting physically one day in seven. It means to commemorate and remember the power of God which has worked throughout the other six days. Therefore, the Sabbath can only truly be kept by those who rest in God’s creative power throughout the week.

To rest in God’s power means to understand and cooperate with His ways; to make Him the Plan-Maker, Problem-Solver, and Burden-Bearer in our daily lives. When God has a people who will follow His ways without deviation, as Jesus did when He was on earth, He will be able to finish His work on earth.

This book defines what it means to have God as our Plan-Maker, and then shows throughout the Bible how God’s plans always brought success, whereas man’s attempts to put himself in God’s place, always brought disaster and delay. 512p


  1. The Ultimate Source
  2. Christ—the Great Connector
  3. Dependent Receivers
  4. Laboring to Enter God’s Rest
  5. Kadesh Barnea
  6. Faith Without Works is Dead
  7. An Education in God’s Ways
  8. Successes and Failures
  9. Abraham and Sarah
  10. Circumcision
  11. The Battle for the Birthright
  12. David’s Loss of Faith
  13. David Chooses the Way of Success
  14. David Entangled
  15. David’s Deliverance
  16. A Deeper Lesson
  17. How It All Began
  18. The Consequences of God’s Plans
  19. Christ Our Example
  20. Christ Shows the Way
  21. God’s Witnesses
  22. The Life of Job
  23. John the Baptist
  24. The Resurrection of Lazarus
  25. Opposing Principles of Operation
  26. The Living Connection
  27. Divine Guidance
  28. Putting Theory into Practice
  29. The Place for Our Plans
  30. Our Need for the Sabbath
  31. The Sabbath Blessing
  32. God’s Way in Missionary Work
  33. Dispute Resolution
  34. The Reappearance of the Problem
  35. Paul’s Mistake
  36. The Jewish Tragedy
  37. A Final Opportunity

“There remains therefore a rest to the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9



Last Day Events

Last Day Events

The last day events of human history are even now in the process of fulfillment. Confusion will be on every hand, every wind of doctrine will be blowing, and the seething, restless masses will not know where to turn in order to find refuge.

But, in this fearful time, there will be those who, thoroughly understanding what the last day events will be, will see in each event, a comforting landmark on the way to final deliverance. The information required to guarantee safe passage through this great time of trouble such as never has been, nor ever will be, is contained in this book. 695p


  1. The Image of the Beast
  2. The Rise of the Beast
  3. The Rise of the Image
  4. The Role of Spiritualism
  5. The Four Angels
  6. The Marriage Prophecy
  7. The Marriage Prophecy-Part II
  8. Babylon the Great
  9. The Message Swells
  10. A Worldwide Union
  11. The Great, Final Test
  12. The Timing of the Judgment of the Living
  13. Two Entirely Different Separations
  14. In the Sanctuary Service
  15. The Shut Door
  16. The Sealing Work
  17. The First Seal
  18. The Former and Latter Rain
  19. The Second Seal
  20. The Loud Cry Begins
  21. The Loud Cry Develops
  22. The Final Shaking
  23. Tried to the Uttermost
  24. Joshua and the Angel
  25. The Duration of Jacob’s Trouble
  26. Plagues, and Last Plagues
  27. The Unknown Hour
  28. The First Four Plagues
  29. The Fifth Plague
  30. The Hour of Deliverance
  31. The River Euphrates
  32. The Sixth Plague
  33. Jacob’s Trouble
  34. A Sinless People
  35. Cleansing from Earthliness
  36. The Seventh Plague
  37. The Special Resurrection
  38. Last Hours of the Wicked
  39. Jesus Comes Again
  40. The Scapegoat Transaction
  41. The Millennium
  42. The Great Judgment Day

“We have the prophetic word…which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place.” 2 Peter 1:9

Note: As of Feb 16, 2018, the version offered here has been fully reformatted. It includes the color pictures (from the FTW Folio Views CD), reworked diagrams (a few new ones), new subheadings throughout, hyperlinked cross references, and more!


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Living Righteously

This book is the first one written by Fred (originally published in 1970), and is the clearest presentation of the principles of that everlasting gospel message which brought him peace and freedom, and has blessed many others all over the world since then.


  1. Satan’s Great Lie
  2. God’s Truth
  3. Which Man?
  4. God’s Claim Proved
  5. The Mark of Antichrist
  6. In the Judgment
  7. The Gospel is Power
  8. What is Sin?
  9. The Man of Romans Seven
  10. Not by Trying, But by Dying
  11. That Old Husband
  12. Human versus Carnal
  13. Weak, Sinful Flesh
  14. I Die Daily
  15. The Passover
  16. By Faith
  17. The Faith of Abraham
  18. Living Faith
  19. The True Science of Prayer
  20. The Two Witnesses
  21. As He Overcame
  22. Our Own Diligent Effort
  23. From Faith to Faith

I have prepared this reprint for the blessing of God’s children in Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-21), so that they may understand, know, and receive the gold, white raiment, and eyesalve that Christ freely offers them. 280p

Note: This book is currently under revision, and will be offline for a short time (Aug. 9/23).


A Brief History of the Early Years

A Brief History of the Early Years of the Sabbath Rest Advent Church

This manuscript was written in 1997, the year of Fred Wright’s death. It was unfinished, and ends with a description of events that took place in 1973.

Even so, it covers some important history that took place in the formation of the Sabbath Rest Advent Church, from the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s.

Since there are probably few if any witnesses of those times still alive today, it is important for this history to be preserved, even in its incomplete state. 113p

Nov 2019: Updated with an Appendix: a transcribed audio study from 1983 where Fred rehearses much of the same history, but with some added details.
Dec 2022: Formatting update: new ePDF rules applied.


  1. My Childhood
  2. Youth and Marriage
  3. Conversion
  4. A New Day
  5. Separation
  6. Called to the Work
  7. The Early Years
  8. Into America
  9. The End of the “Awakening”
  10. An Opening Door in America
  11. Contacts in America
  12. Traveling through America
  13. The Work in Australia Grows
  14. Divine Appointment
  15. Appendix: The History of Our Movement

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The Living and the Dead

This booklet was written to make more clear the principles of the mystery of God, which is “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).

It shows the contrast between the living seed of Christ and the dead seed of Adam. It shows that the only hope of eternal life is having the life of the Son of the eternal God within you.

It shows the utter futility of any and every effort to so modify or improve the dead seed of Adam as to give the appearance—but not the reality—of Christianity and so fall victim to a false experience in Christ.

It is a call to an examination of your life and character. It is a warning against the widespread practice of trying to be saved by painting over the seed of Adam with the colors of Christ. It is an urgent appeal to exchange the seed of Adam with the seed of Christ and a clear explanation of just how that exchange takes place. 120p


  1. The Hope of Glory
  2. Seed Bears
  3. A Superior Pedigree
  4. Seeds and Seeds
  5. The Two Husbands
  6. A Mind of Her Own
  7. A Parable
  8. Appendix #1: Christ as an Angel
  9. Appendix #2: Correlating the Seed Principle in Nature and in Grace

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Behold Your God

Behold Your God

The message of this book is the foundation and beginning of that light which is to shine over the whole world in these final days. That light is the presentation of God’s glorious character as presented in, and seen through, the life of His son, Jesus Christ.

At the fall, man was deceived by lies about God’s character. Therefore, what will end the great controversy is a presentation (by word and life) of the truth about God’s character.

Satan also attacked the Law of God, but in reality, the Law and character of God are one and the same. The Law is an expression of God’s character. All God asks is for His subjects to be like Him. Therefore, He keeps His own Law…it is a part of His nature.

These are some of the foundational principles that this book explores, and then applies to various situations in the Old and New Testament where it seems like God is acting contrary to His law. In every case, a new and better understanding of God’s actions can be found, when viewed through the magnifying glass of the life of Jesus Christ. 636p


  1. An All Important Theme
  2. This is Eternal Life
  3. Avoid Speculative Theories
  4. In Relation to the Great Controversy
  5. The Ending of the Great Controversy
  6. Isaiah’s Wonderful Prophecy
  7. Approaching the Study of God
  8. The Constitution of the Government of God
  9. A Perfect Law
  10. God’s Principles Under Test
  11. A Summary
  12. Contrasting Statements
  13. Statements and Principles
  14. God Does Destroy: But How?
  15. The Supreme Revelation
  16. Urged to Destroy
  17. Magnifying the Law
  18. Go the Second Mile
  19. The Mystery of Iniquity
  20. The Mystery-Unfolding Cross
  21. The Way of the Cross
  22. God is Not a Criminal
  23. Rods and Serpents
  24. The Upraised Rod
  25. The Showing of God’s Power
  26. The Flood
  27. Great Changes
  28. Revised Concepts
  29. Sodom and Gomorrah
  30. An Execution
  31. The Ever-Loving, Saving Father
  32. God Goes the Second Mile
  33. The Consistency of God
  34. The Wars of Israel
  35. An Eye For An Eye
  36. Difficult Statements
  37. The Seven Last Plagues
  38. The Brightness of His Coming
  39. The Final Showdown
  40. Appendix: The Background Story
  41. Appendix: “Does God Destroy?”

Isaiah 40
9 O Zion, that brings good tidings, get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that brings good tidings, lift up your voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!


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Note: Someone once asked me how the message on God’s character came about. Fred actually explained it once at a camp meeting in 1974 (the year when this message was first preached). I’ve transcribed this explanation and you can download it below (or listen to the Audio presentation here: 1974 Arizona (look for Study 6, the historical account starts after 17:50).

I’m also offering an editorial from the News Review of August 1974, where Fred explains how the message on God’s character was received by the church, and how the difficult questions were answered. These two items are now included in the Appendix of the book, but here they are for individual download:

Behold Your God – the background story: PDF or ODT.
Does God Destroy? – editorial: PDF or ODT.

Child Salvation

Child Salvation

The disaffection of children to their parents and of parents to their children is a sign that the end is approaching. But the Elijah message, which is to prepare the way of the Lord, promises to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.” Malachi 4:6.

This is an important part of that message, and shows how our children can be filled with the Spirit of God, even from their earliest moments. It also applies the principles of the character of God to the government of families. 402p

Note: it is recommended that the reader first be familiar with the book, Behold Your God, and the booklet, Freedom from Sin.


  1. Brokenhearted Parents
  2. Remarkably Different
  3. The Promise is Fully Reliable
  4. The Model Child
  5. Triumphant Over the Confederacy
  6. The Head and Not the Tail
  7. The Secret of Christ’s Intellectual Might
  8. A Sure Thing
  9. You Can Choose for Your Children
  10. Infant Baptism
  11. Diligent Effort Required
  12. You Must Be Born Again
  13. Practical Considerations
  14. Spiritual Qualifications
  15. The Divine Purpose in Marriage
  16. Marriage is Forever
  17. The Extent of God’s Commitment
  18. Further Considerations on Marriage
  19. Effecting the New Birth
  20. The Prenatal Period
  21. Making the Most of the Prenatal Period
  22. The Older Child
  23. The Competent Educator
  24. The Parents’ Part as Educators
  25. Perfect Obedience is the Objective
  26. Teaching the Purpose of Life 374


The Little Book Opened

The Little Book Opened

Daniel’s “little book” was sealed “until the time of the end.” That time was 1798, when the Papal power received a “deadly wound” during the French Revolution. After that time, the final events in the prophecies of Daniel began to unfold, and to be understood by earnest seekers all around the world.

In Revelation 10, an Angel appears with a little book open in his hand. This Angel speaks and acts just like the one who sealed Daniel’s book in Daniel 12, only now the book is open in his hand, and he commands John to eat it. The chapters of Revelation which follow, require an understanding of Daniel’s prophecies, and this is what the Angel came to give.

This book is made up of the last series of articles that Fred Wright wrote, up until the time of his death in June 29, 1997. He had written many in advance, so they continued to be published monthly in the church periodical, the last article appearing in December 2000. It is his longest work, as well. It’s a deep dive into the spiritual meaning of the book of Daniel (with references to Revelation), and it holds up Daniel as an example of the type of people that will be involved in the final movements of God’s work, and who will be alive to see Christ return.

Fred originally intended to cover both the books of Daniel and Revelation, but he only finished the Daniel series up to the end of chapter 11. Nevertheless, this work stands as a witness to the power of the everlasting gospel message when combined with the unfolding prophetic scroll. This work is the last testimony of a man who devoted most of his life to being a minister and messenger for God. 918p


  1. A Great Revival Promised
  2. The Status of Daniel as a Sealed Book
  3. A Door Standing Open in Heaven
  4. The Lamb Unseals the Daniel Scroll
  5. Parallels
  6. National Apostasy — National Ruin
  7. Apostasy: The Starting Point
  8. Apostasy is Preventable
  9. The Sin Against the Holy Spirit
  10. The Two Israels
  11. The Two Babylons
  12. Truth and Love, the Prevailing Power
  13. The Role of Jeremiah the Prophet
  14. Restoration of All That Was Lost
  15. Rising and Falling Nations
  16. From Jerusalem to Babylon
  17. In the Heart of the Enemy’s Camp
  18. The Question of Temperance
  19. The Victory is the Lord’s
  20. Never Man Spoke Like This Man
  21. Daniel, the Student Prophet
  22. God Makes a Master Plan
  23. Men on Full Alert
  24. Faith Begets Faith
  25. The Dream Unfolded
  26. Churchcraft and Statecraft
  27. Righteousness Exalts a Nation
  28. The Image All of Gold
  29. Tried by Fire
  30. The Great Tree
  31. Good for Evil
  32. The Quest for Wealth, Power, and Position
  33. Laws and Lions
  34. The Prophecies of Daniel
  35. Beasts and Horns
  36. Characteristics of the Little Horn
  37. The Attempt to Change the Law
  38. Thrones and Judgments
  39. God’s Power to Withstand the Enemy
  40. Death: The Last Enemy to be Destroyed
  41. The Saints Possess the Kingdom
  42. The Judgment Is Set
  43. The Ram, the Goat, and the Little Horn
  44. The Sanctuary Restored
  45. When the Transgressors Come to the Full
  46. The King with Fierce Features
  47. Special Strengthening
  48. Daniel’s Prevailing Prayer
  49. The Power of Importunate Prayer
  50. The Matter and the Vision
  51. The Beginning of the 483 Years
  52. Days of Opportunity
  53. Important Changes in the Situation
  54. No More Treading Underfoot
  55. Before and After the End of the 2300 Years
  56. The Sanctuary to Be Cleansed After the 2300 Years
  57. The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary
  58. Advancement Through Communion With God
  59. The Angel Gabriel
  60. Understanding the Vision
  61. Behind the Visible
  62. The Latter Days
  63. Learning from the Past
  64. The Ministry of the Angels
  65. The Prophetic Unfolding of Greater Detail
  66. Daniel’s People in the Last Days
  67. What You Are Determines Who You Are
  68. The King of the North
  69. Two Contrasting Kingdoms
  70. The Appointed Time is Long
  71. Gathering Momentum
  72. Only One Step Away from World Dominion
  73. The Fall of Babylon

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The Seven Angels

The Seven Angels

In 1837, William Miller began his preaching of the soon return of our Lord, which initiated the First Angel’s Message of Revelation 14.

Shortly after, in the summer of 1844, because of the rejection of the first message by the churches, the Second Angel’s Message of Revelation 14:8 began to sound, “Babylon is fallen”, and quickly after that, the Third Angel’s Message of Revelation 14:9-12, about the warning against the beast and his image, thus further delineating to the people of God, the type of soul preparation needed to stand in the last days.

Somewhat later in 1888, these messages were revived, along with added truths, in the Fourth Angel’s Message of Revelation 18.

What is not generally seen is that there are actually Seven Angels in total (six in Revelation 14, and one in Revelation 18), and that each one of these does a work that is necessary before the end can come. This book covers all seven of the messages, concentrating in particular on the neglected last three. 489p

Note: As of April 2020, this book has been reformatted, new pictures and subheadings were added, and the PDF is now fully ready for reading on electronic devices (computer and tablet).


  1. A New & Distinct Utterance
  2. A Tragic Mistake Repeated
  3. Seven Angels—Seven Movements
  4. The First Angel
  5. The Gospel, Genesis, and the First Angel
  6. The Second Angel
  7. The Second Angel Follows the First
  8. The Third Angel
  9. A Great & Thorough Work
  10. An Unnecessary Crisis
  11. The Fourth Angel
  12. Rejected, But Why?
  13. The Fourth Angel Returns
  14. Harvests and First-fruits
  15. The Role of the First-fruits
  16. Satan Unmasked
  17. The Eyes of Man Opened
  18. The Great River Euphrates
  19. The Light Shines Through
  20. Their Plea
  21. Christ Demonstrates the Way
  22. The Sixth Angel
  23. The Wine of Divine Wrath
  24. The Vine of the Earth
  25. The Seventh Angel

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God’s Way in the Sanctuary

God's Way in the Sanctuary

There is only one way of salvation, the one which was formed in the mind of God and in which there is not one thread of human devising.

It is left with men to search diligently until they have found that way, for there is salvation in no other. Instead of doing this, religionists have sought to obtain deliverance from sin and death on their own terms, until the world today is filled with an endless array of proposed means of salvation.

The searcher for truth is bewildered by all this confusion until he looks into the sanctuary where God’s ways are revealed so plainly that none need err.

God’s Way in the Sanctuary is not a cold, technical presentation as so many books on the sanctuary have been. It is alive with spiritual insights into every aspect of the building and its services. It is written to give every believer a richer and more positive Christian experience. 491p

“See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” Exodus 25:40


  1. The Landmarks Stand
  2. An Accurate Model
  3. That I May Dwell in Them
  4. The Indwelling Holy Spirit
  5. The Building
  6. Why Sinful Flesh
  7. The Inner Adorning
  8. The Most Holy Place
  9. The Ark and Its Contents
  10. Four Atonements
  11. The Sacrificial Atonement
  12. The Burnt Offering
  13. The Atonement for Sins of Ignorance
  14. The Atonement for Trespasses
  15. The Red Heifer
  16. The Gathering of the People
  17. The Sanctuary Itself is Cleansed
  18. The Standard of the Judgment
  19. The Atonement in the Most Holy Place
  20. First the Judgment
  21. The Blotting Out of Sins
  22. The Trust Account
  23. An Agonizing Struggle
  24. The Atonement With the Scapegoat
  25. The Warning of the Judgment
  26. The Time Prophecies
  27. The Counterfeit
  28. Appendix: Related Songs

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Revival and Reformation

Revival and Reformation

The Christian life is comprised of two great works: a revival, and a reformation. One is the start of the new life, the other is a life-long work of education and retraining.

Just what comprises these two works, and how they are different from each other, is the theme of this book. Many biblical examples are drawn from the lives of the prophets and apostles, men of “like passions as we.” 364p


  1. A Pressing Problem
  2. Distinctions
  3. Problems and Solutions
  4. The Problem of Bondage
  5. The Solution of Deliverance
  6. Vital Distinctions
  7. Further Evidences
  8. The Men of Romans 7 & 8
  9. Battlefields
  10. Contrasting Characters
  11. The Long Preparatory Process
  12. From Classroom to Classroom
  13. David In Philistia
  14. King And People—Shared Fault
  15. The Christian Life is a Perilous Way
  16. Ideas And Theories
  17. Wrong Concept, Wrong Preparation
  18. Perversion
  19. The King Today
  20. You Are All Clean
  21. Yet They Sinned
  22. Cleansing and Communion
  23. Perplexity and Confusion
  24. Moses and Elijah
  25. Saul

“As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.” Colossians 2:6


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The Destiny of a Movement

The Destiny of a Movement

In 1949 and on through the 1950’s, critical changes were made by the Seventh-day Adventist leadership to some key Adventist doctrines, especially regarding the atonement, and the human nature of Christ. These changes were openly published in the book Questions on Doctrine.

These changes ran exactly against-the-grain of the “everlasting gospel” message which had been presented in 1888 by elders Waggoner and Jones, and was at that time being revived by people such as elders Wieland and Short, and the Brinsmead Awakening.

Other concerned leaders in the church, such as M.L. Andreasen, identified these changes as the “omega of apostasy” that Ellen White had warned about over 50 years ago.

Then in 1971, another book was published by one of the authors of Questions on Doctrine, Movement of Destiny, by LeRoy Froom. This book heralded the changes made in Questions on Doctrine as a turning point in Adventism that would lead to a brighter and more glorious future.

This book, The Destiny of a Movement, is intended as an analysis and answer to the thought conveyed by the book, Movement of Destiny. It covers the dire implications of the doctrinal changes, and also has a wonderful in-depth study of the nature of the flesh of Christ, his struggle in Gethsemane, and how he was “in all points, tempted like as we are.” Hebrews 4:15. 370p


  1. First Words
  2. Last Day Deceptions
  3. The Test of Deception
  4. Try Those Spirits
  5. We Can Obey to Perfection
  6. What the Incarnation Proves
  7. Christ is Truly God
  8. Christ is Truly Man
  9. His Tent and Ours
  10. From the Depths
  11. The Two Deaths
  12. Seeming Contradictions
  13. The Papacy is Antichrist
  14. Why It is So
  15. The Modern Protestant Churches are Antichrist
  16. More Than a Mere Confrontation
  17. More on the Real Issues at Minneapolis
  18. Waggoner Misrepresented
  19. Waggoner was not in Error
  20. One Giant Step Too Far
  21. Adventism Identified with Antichrist
  22. Teachers of the Immaculate Conception
  23. The Wine of Babylon

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Awake to Righteousness

Awake to Righteousness

The vast majority simply accept sin as an incurable affliction, and inescapable the misery which it produces. The Jews in Christ’s day held the same views about disease, but the Saviour demonstrated that there is no power, be it the might of physical or spiritual disease, which can withstand His saving grace.

Awake to Righteousness boldly demonstrates that what so many accept as the best that the Lord can and will do for them is far less than the Lord has in mind. His command is to sin not, and, inasmuch as all His biddings are enablings, He is inviting souls to avail themselves of the almighty provisions which He has prepared for the lost and the erring.

Awake to Righteousness offers new hope and recovered confidence in God’s saving power and indicates that the old life of continual defeat can be replaced by one of consistent victory. 22p


  1. Awake to Righteousness
  2. God Offers a Sinless Life
  3. Satan’s Lie – God’s Truth
  4. Trying but Failing
  5. There is a Solution
  6. In Christ There is Life
  7. God Longs to Deliver
  8. The Marriage Illustration
  9. The Victory is a Gift
  10. Living Faith
  11. How to Exercise Faith
  12. A Life of Continual Dependence

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Christ’s Coming Delayed…Why?

Christ's Coming Delayed...Why?

One main difference between Adventists and other Christians is the belief that the church must work closely together with Christ to clear the way for His Second Advent. There is a specific work for the church to do to “prepare the way of the Lord.” In order to fit the church for that work, Christ gives messages and gifts to His church, as He did in the apostolic days.

One of these helps came in the form of a series of message given by two young ministers, Elders Waggoner and Jones, in 1888 at the Minneapolis General Conference session of Seventh-day Adventists. Their message was strikingly different from the common fare, and was identified by Ellen White as the “beginning of the latter rain and loud cry” and as the “message to the Laodiceans.”

This booklet is not about the details of that message. Instead it is about how that message was received back then, and how it is being received today. The burden lays on the church, and on each individual, to make sure he has not rejected the grace of God, as given in His messages to His church.

It was fatal to the Jews to reject Jeremiah’s message when Babylon rose to world-wide power; it was fatal for them to reject Christ’s message when He walked the earth; and it will be fatal for us too if we are guilty of rejecting Christ’s message today. 37p


  1. Christ’s Coming Delayed
    • The Church Must Play Its Part
    • No Fault With God
    • A Very Serious Charge
  2. A Most Precious Message
    • Hated by the Ministry
    • True Religion Slighted
  3. Other Witnesses
    • A. T. Jones
    • W. W. Prescott
    • A. G. Daniells
    • Taylor G. Bunch
    • Ernest D. Dick
    • So Widely Recognized
  4. Satan’s Prime Target
    • What has this to do with Us?
    • Confession Required
  5. The General Conference Attitude Today
    • Their Determined Refusal to Confess
  6. What Now?
    • Delay No More

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Facing the Judgment

Facing the Judgment

The judgmental investigation of the life of every person upon the earth is coming. There is not a soul who can avoid passing through that screening.

With impartial exactitude it will measure the worth of each individual, calculating the opportunities gained or lost for obtaining the fitness of character for a place in eternity.

Today, millions pass along ignorant of, and unconcerned about, this appointment with destiny. Others know it is coming but have been persuaded that they do not need to obtain perfection of character, for Another who has absolute perfection, will stand in their place.

Fortunate indeed are those who know it is coming and who know that the requirement is perfection of character.

More fortunate still are those, who, knowing this, have the living faith to believe that the Lord will take in hand this perfecting work, to bring them forth “without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.” 58p

“For God shall bring every work into judgment…” Ecclesiastes 12:14


  1. Are You Ready?
  2. The Teaching of the Sanctuary Service
  3. An Examination of an Erroneous Teaching
  4. Joshua and the Angel
  5. Pleading for Purity of Heart
  6. In Conclusion

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The Church of God is not Babylon

The Church of God is not Babylon

From time to time, God has called His people to separate from an organization, which, though originally called of Him, has fallen into deep apostasy. What God does, Satan seeks to counter.

Therefore, when God calls His children to separate from those who are no longer His, Satan works very hard to prevent this happening. Conversely, where God is against separation, Satan is for it.

God’s reasons for His children leaving the apostate churches are the same in every case, while Satan never varies from the arguments he uses to prevent this. The enemy is especially adept at using Scripture to achieve the opposite result from what God intended it should. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the basic principles involved in both God’s and Satan’s arguments in order to know what the real truth is and to take the appropriate action.

This is a study of those arguments and counter-arguments with special reference to the way in which Paul used God’s truth to meet Satan’s errors. 39p


  1. The Situation
    • The Argument Against Separation
    • A Past Example
  2. What Then Is the Answer?
    • Paul’s Argument
    • Physical and Spiritual Descendants
    • Esau and Jacob: Physical vs. Spiritual
    • Rahab and Ruth: A Living Connection
    • The Promises Are for the Faithful
    • Children of the Flesh
  3. Another Look at the Situation
    • The Straight and Narrow Path
    • On the Path and In the Light
    • Tests of Loyalty
  4. In Conclusion

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I Think as a Man

I Think as a Man

This booklet is an introduction to the theme of God’s character as revealed through Christ.

It covers the basics of this live-giving theme: the common misunderstandings caused by thinking of God as if he acted like men, the relation of the law to God, the life of Christ as a revelation of His Father, and such often misunderstood events as the plagues of Egypt and the cleansing of the Temple. 44p

Psalm 50
21 You thought that I was altogether such a one as yourself.

Note: For a more full treatment of this subject, see the book Behold Your God.


  1. To Think as a Man
  2. Another Way to Think
  3. Another View
  4. The Crucial Question
  5. Love Gifts
  6. Moses’ Rod
  7. Why Not Before?
  8. Cleansing the Temple
  9. The Testimony of the Cross
  10. Higher, Holier Concepts

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Justified by Faith

Justified by Faith

Justification is the divine provision for the sin problem. It is obtained by the correct exercise of faith, and thus becomes a living experience within the recipient. It is the most desirable treasure any soul can covet, for it brings the gift of eternal life.

Yet, as Christ Himself has sadly confirmed, few will find it and enter immortal through the “strait” gate. Millions will try to gain admittance, but in many cases will fail because they have been taught erroneous views on justification. The Master Teacher warned that it is the knowledge of the truth which makes one free, while error will always destroy.

To receive the blessedness of justification by faith in verity, the needy soul must understand the nature and extent of the condemnation resting on him, and the structure of the solution which God has provided to remove that awesome, destructive weight. He must also understand exactly what God will do, and what he must do.

Then, taking great care not to attempt to do God’s part, the sinner faithfully follows the procedures outlined in the Scriptures. As surely as he does this in living faith, the blessing will follow. He will be justified and receive the righteousness of Christ.

This publication is written to make these things clear and it is our prayer that every reader will come to know by experience “the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputes righteousness without works.” Romans 4:6. 60p


  1. Introduction
  2. The Blessedness of Forgiveness
  3. Being Made Righteous
  4. Double Problem – Double Solution
  5. The Two Justifications

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:5


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Justification by Faith

Justification by Faith

The four articles that comprise this booklet were later expanded and published as the booklet, Justified! by Faith. If you haven’t read it yet, that booklet is recommended first as being more comprehensive.

I am releasing these earlier articles because they contain a few comments not included in the later publication. So some may be interested in studying this as well.

The main thought in this booklet is that justification involves more than just a legal transaction in heaven, more than just an accounting of Christ’s life to cover our record of sin from the past. That “something more” is a transfer of life. Justification not only covers our past sins, but it changes our inner nature, removing the power of sin, and planting the power of God. 44p


  1. What is Justification?
  2. Believing the Word
  3. Being Made Perfect
  4. Two Works in Justification

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Living Righteousness and the Sabbath of God

Living Righteousness and the Sabbath of God

The Sabbath is a memorial of God’s everlasting power. The gospel is the power of God. Therefore the Sabbath is also a memorial of the saving power of God.

When by His omnipotence, God establishes His righteousness within a believer, He also puts the Sabbath there, for the two are eternally inseparable.

True Sabbath keeping is only found where hearts have been set free from the power of sin, for the Sabbath is a memorial of all God’s created works, whether they be in the original creation or in the work of redemption.

This book shows how the Sabbath is inextricably linked with God’s ways, and remains as the symbol of His power, eternally in the past, and eternally in the future. 122p


  1. The Symbol of God’s Power
  2. Three Days and Three Nights
  3. The Resurrection and the Sabbath
  4. God’s Rest
  5. A New Body and A New Home
  6. God’s Flag and the Devil’s Flag
  7. The Seal of God
  8. The Final Conflict

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The Three Temples

The Three Temples

This booklet was first printed in 1977, but had been presented at camp meetings previously. An announcement in the July 1977 News Review stated:

The Three Temples is the printed version of the study which all who have been to the camp meetings over the past two years have certainly heard and appreciated. It is a study designed to show that the sanctuary of old was a picture in very clear form of what God intended the soul temple of His children to be.

As the ancient sanctuary was built of sin-cursed materials by the hands of sinful, fallen and mortal humans, so the bodies of every child of God are built in the same way. Just as that building was to be the abode of the very presence of God so our bodies are to be the combination of divinity and humanity.

But as the temple back there was not always the abode of God’s presence, so the human temple can be emptied of the presence of God, whereupon the devil enters. This happened with our first parents with the result that we are all born into the world with the devil as the occupant of the soul temple–not God. Before the Lord can enter, the devil must firstly be expelled.

Those who experience this can then grow to finally become eternal temples such as is pictured by the New Jerusalem.

This study teaches with clarity the need for the eradication of the old man. 34p


  1. The Sanctuary in the Wilderness
    • Our Body Temples
    • Distinctions
    • The Incarnation of Christ
    • A Perfect Service
  2. The Second Temple
    • Sons of Satan
    • First and Second Birth
    • The Way of Salvation
  3. The Third Temple

“The Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us.” John 1:14

An audio presentation can be heard here: The Three Temples.


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Revelation 17

Revelation 17

This study on Revelation 17 “was compiled from written material and a taped study given in 1965.” I did not do the compilation, so I can’t say which written materials were used. But the study accurately portrays the teachings of Fred Wright on this topic.

Revelation 17 seems complicated at first. A woman riding a beast with seven heads and ten horns; one of the heads returns as the eighth horn; five heads are fallen, one is, one is yet to come; and so on.

But with a grounding in the prophecies of Daniel, beginning with the kingdom of Babylon, it is not so difficult to map out the seven kingdoms that lead up to the final manifestation of Babylon the Great, Satan’s counterfeit of Christ’s kingdom; an outward worldwide union of religion and state powers.

This study also briefly covers the work of the true church, under Christ’s direction, in bringing down the kingdom of Babylon. 28p


  1. Identifying Babylon the Great
  2. Establishing the Time
  3. The Seven Heads of the Beast
  4. The Ten Horns
  5. The Seven Plagues
  6. The First Four Plagues
  7. The Fifth Plague
  8. The Sixth Plague
  9. The Kings of the East

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Unfolding the Law

Unfolding the Law

From July to September 1977, a series of three articles appeared in our church paper, The Messenger and News Review. These were titled, “Unfolding the Law”. Here are those studies, formatted as a booklet, with the addition of a diagram. 41p

About the studies, Fred wrote:

Beginning with this issue, is a series of three articles on the law in Galatians. We are deeply impressed with the truths which are now emerging from this part of the Word of God. We have long known that the law of God is to be the very centre of the great controversy in its final and finishing battle.

For this battle the enemies of the truth are becoming highly prepared and organized with every possible argument assembled to prove that the law of God is no longer binding on Christians. The message of Paul to the Galatians has been an area of Scripture which those who contest that the law is done away with have used with great effectiveness to make their point.

But if there is one thing which must be clear to all true believers, it is that Paul never believed or taught that the law of God has but a limited period of validity. He taught right along with the Saviour that the law of righteousness is as eternal as the God of whose character it is the transcript. Therefore, the writing of the letter to the Galatians was never designed to teach that the law of God disappeared with the death of Christ.

Therefore, it follows that when the message to the Galatians is used to prove that the law has been abrogated, it is being misused and misinterpreted.

However, to merely know that they are being misinterpreted is not good enough for us for it is necessary also to perceive in what way the misinterpretation is taking place. The time now is when such light is available to us so that the complete answer is provided with which to meet the antagonists of the law of God…

The necessity of being able to answer the rejectors of the law on their own ground, is only a small part of the blessing to be received from this study. Vastly more glorious is the blessing of the light which comes to our own souls through this larger perception of what Paul was saying to the Galatians then and to us today.


  1. Introduction
  2. The Added Law
  3. Correct Distinctions
  4. The Life Taker

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Melchizedek is the mysterious king-priest who meets Abraham and blesses him. That’s all we would know about him except that the apostle Paul unfolded the topic a bit more in the book of Hebrews, showing that the Melchizedek priesthood is the true heavenly one, of which Christ is the great original.

But Melchizedek was not Christ, for just as Aaron represented Christ in the Levitical priesthood, so Melchizedek represents Christ in the heavenly priesthood. So this book unfolds the truth about the Melchizedek priesthood: what are the qualifications? what is the work involved? what are the privileges? what will it mean in the heavenly kingdom? and, of course, who is Melchizedek?

It’s a marvelous and inspiring topic that opens up some of the glories of the achievements that God will accomplish in the redemption and lifting up of fallen man, from the lowest pits, to the uttermost heights.

I’m not sure when the study of Melchizedek first opened up to our church. The earliest reference was a study printed by W. Race in 1970 on The Tribe of Dan. Fred also incorporated a brief overview of the theme into the studies on the Sanctuary in 1980 (which appeared in The Messenger and News Review), and this was later printed in the booklet, The Living and the Dead, (chapter 3). I know I personally heard a study on Melchizedek at the first camp meeting I attended in 1982.

The articles this book is based on were written in 1990, as part of a series on “Praying for the Latter Rain” in The Messenger and News Review. They are by far the most complete and mature presentation of the theme, a theme which inspired Fred, and impressed him deeply. This is their first public appearance. 138p


  1. Introduction
  2. Qualifications of Melchizedek
  3. The Melchizedek Order
  4. Rulership in Christ’s Kingdom
  5. Priesthood in Christ’s Kingdom
  6. The Testimony of God’s Redeeming Love
  7. Further Qualifications
  8. The Identity of Melchizedek
  9. The Number of Melchizedek

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The 144000

The 144000

Who are the 144000 mentioned in Revelation 7 and 14? When do they appear? What are the qualifications to be one of them? Is the number literal or symbolic?

These and other questions are answered in this booklet. As well, the topic of the “sealing” is covered, what the seal means, and when it is applied.

And lastly, there is consideration given to the work of education in the sealing process, and how God is able to use the consequences of sin, in contrast to His own goodness, to forever secure His people from ever falling into sin again. The cross of Jesus is the great pillar in this education, and it will be the science and song of the redeemed to eternal ages.

The 144000 “follow the Lamb” because they know the cross of Jesus, by their experience, more than any other group of saints.

This newly updated edition includes a series of articles on the kindred subject of “The Great Multitude” who are also mentioned in Revelation 7. 127p

The 144000

  1. The Specifications
  2. Apparent Contradictions
  3. The Seal and the Sanctuary
  4. The Sealing Angel
  5. A Literal or Symbolic Number
  6. In Conclusion

The Great Multitude

  1. The First Fruits and Harvest
  2. Settling the Great Controversy
  3. Who Are They?
  4. The Glorious Reward

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Divine Order and Organization

Divine Order and Organization

These studies were presented in 1974 at a camp-meeting in Arizona. Earlier that year, there had been a small crisis in Australia (where the church center was at that time), in which a few members wanted to see more human election, voting, committees and so forth brought into the church. These studies were God’s answer to that problem.

They delve into the mystery of God (Christ is the divine-human connector between God and man), and how this applies to church order. Divine appointment (Christ appointing the work of each member directly), is contrasted with human election (man deciding the work of the members).

The Bible contains many illustrations of the right and wrong way of church order. Among other lessons, warnings are drawn from the crisis at Kadesh Barnea (where the people chose to send spies into the Promised Land) which led to the wilderness wandering for 40 years, the leaders in Jerusalem (who told Paul to compromise the faith in supporting the sacrificial system) which led to the rise of the papacy, and the appointment of Judas as one of the apostles, which led to his betrayal of Christ.

Divine order is the extension of the gospel into the realm of church responsibilities. Christ, by His mighty power, gives gifts to men, and fits them for service. There is therefore no room for human lobbying, voting, power struggles, and human grasping to control the work. 178p


  1. The Mystery of God
  2. The Mystery of Iniquity
  3. Divine Appointment
  4. Human Election
  5. The Appointment of Matthias
  6. Failure to Recognize the Gift
  7. Man in the Place of Christ
  8. The End of Paul’s Ministry
  9. The Price of Human Election
  10. The Crisis Over Divine Order

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Armageddon is the place of the final cataclysmic battle mentioned in the book of Revelation. This book lays down the spiritual principles of Bible interpretation needed to properly unlock the meaning behind this mysterious battle. The interpretation is grounded firmly in the everlasting gospel, and so differs widely from the common “military” interpretations in the religious world of today.

This series of 8 articles first appeared in the Messenger and News Review magazine, of 1975. It was supposed to be continued but never was completed. Instead, the further information about Armageddon is found in two other books: Last Day Events, chapter 4, and chapters 29-36, and The Seven Angels, chapters 14-25.

However these articles delve more deeply into the Bible principles of interpretation and so are still very useful. 116p

Updated Dec 2022: New ePDF formatting rules applied.


  1. A Parallel
  2. The Language of Symbols
  3. The Bible: Its Own Interpreter
  4. The Bible: Its Own Interpreter, part 2
  5. The King of the North
  6. Type and Antitype
  7. The True King of the North
  8. Drying up the River Euphrates
  9. The Gathering Storm
  10. Not the Battle of Armageddon
  11. A Further Re-Evaluation

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Gabriel: From the Meekest to the Greatest


The angel Gabriel, one of the mightiest of the Lord’s host, occupies the position in heaven which Lucifer left. Since the place that Lucifer occupied, and the places of the angels which followed him, are reserved for the redeemed, Gabriel is most certainly a person who was redeemed from the earth.

This book, drawn from a series of articles published in the Messenger and News Review magazine, from April 1991 to October 1993, delves into the scriptures that reveal the identity of Gabriel, and the marvelous training he underwent upon the earth in order to be fitted for such a high place of responsibility in heaven. 443p


  1. Who is Gabriel?
  2. From Moses to Daniel
  3. The Work of Gabriel Begins
  4. In the Garden of Gethsemane
  5. With the Early Church
  6. In the Book of Revelation
  7. The Work of a Covering Cherub
  8. Meekness and Humility
  9. Pride or Humility: the Factors Involved
  10. Influences Promoting Humility
  11. The Early Education of Moses
  12. Raised in Egypt
  13. A Struggle as for Life
  14. The Use of the Sword
  15. Fleeing from Egypt
  16. Apparently Abandoned
  17. Perplexity and Trial
  18. A Training for Heaven
  19. Schooling the Inner Man
  20. In the Household of Jethro
  21. Building an Army
  22. The Influence of Environment
  23. Everlasting Righteousness
  24. Communion with Nature
  25. Making War in Righteousness
  26. The Burning Bush
  27. Appendix 1 – Like Unto Me
  28. Appendix 2 – Camp Meeting Report
  29. Appendix 3 – A Personal Testimony

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Your Doctor

Your Doctor

Healing of disease and forgiveness of sin are linked in the ministry of Jesus Christ, and in the promises of the Bible. One gospel brings two blessings: spiritual and physical restoration.

While there are many ways of practicing the healing art, there is only one way that Heaven approves; and that is the way of Jesus Christ. This book delves into the example of Christ, the great model Medical Missionary. It shows that His example in teaching and healing, is to be followed in the same way, in our time.

Also covered are the role of natural remedies, and the need for victory over disease as a qualification for living through the perilous times just prior to Jesus’ return. 344p


  1. Mankind’s Marvelous Beginning
  2. Victory over Sin and Sickness
  3. Only One Way Approved by Heaven
  4. The Gospel is the Solution
  5. Contrasting Statements
  6. Deliverance from Disease
  7. The Gospel the Great Separator
  8. Understanding the Problem
  9. The Stream of Life
  10. The Leper Restored
  11. Your Sins Be Forgiven You
  12. The Healing Power of Love
  13. Following the Example of Christ
  14. Power to Penetrate Barriers
  15. All Things New
  16. The Healing Revival
  17. Reformation
  18. Natural Remedies
  19. Nature: God’s Servant
  20. God Does Not Always Heal
  21. The Last Enemy
  22. Psalm 91
  23. A Problem Statement
  24. More On the One Way Heaven Approves
  25. A Survey of Healings
  26. The Laying on of Hands

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