This chapter covers the life of Jesus when he was a youth. Seemingly, the Bible says little about Jesus’ early life. This in itself speaks a lesson that the best kind of upbringing for a child is one where the child is not made the center of attention, and the love of display is not cultivated.
However, we can also make deductions about the life of Jesus as a child by reading about the other Bible characters, and the lessons and trials they experienced as children, since it was the life of Jesus in them that was being lived out. And since the Psalms express the full range of Christian experience, they also tell us much about the experiences Jesus would have had as a youth.
There is one article on this website that looks at some of the pressures Jesus endured in his youth, which is based mainly on the Bible and this chapter of The Desire of Ages: Jesus and Child Abuse.
Read Online: The Desire of Ages, chapter 09 – “Days of Conflict”
Download: ODP (Open Document Presentation)