Here are the 24 studies given by A. T. Jones at the 1893 General Conference Session.
In his messages to the church, Jones emphasized that law-keeping, or righteousness, was only possible when Christ’s life was planted in the human soul. The prerequisite was a deep repentance, wherein the old man, the man of sin, or power of sin, was uprooted, and replaced with the seed of Christ. Until that took place, any righteousness, or right-doing attempted by the professed believer, was polluted by the selfishness inherent in the old spiritual life.
As Jones mentions in Study 19 of this series, until that change took place, Adventists were merely “Saturday keepers,” and not true “Sabbath keepers.” One has the correct day, but the other has the correct rest (along with the day).
In this volume, one of the areas that Jones explores is religious liberty, and the threat that it was facing in America at that time. He explains that when a believer learned to depend fully on God for righteousness and sanctification, then he would not in any way look to earthly governments or state power in order to do God’s work. Instead, he would always look to the power of God exercised by the Holy Spirit working through the Word.
But among the churches where love of the world had replaced the love of God, there was no true dependence on God’s power. Therefore, in times of crisis, they would inevitably be led to form a union with the power of the State. This same mistake had led the early church astray, when they formed the Papacy.
In this series of studies, Jones particularly explores the connection between these two ideas: inner freedom and religious liberty versus inner slavery and religious oppression. 570p
- You Shall Know the Truth
- Opposing Sunday Laws at Congress
- Opposing Sunday Laws – Part 2
- The Union of Church and State
- The Approaching Sunday Law
- The Time of the Image of the Beast
- Praying for the Latter Rain
- Preparing for the Latter Rain
- The Laodicean Message
- Gold Tried in the Fire
- The White Raiment
- The Carnal Mind or the Mind of Christ
- Justification by Faith
- The False and the True Gospel
- Raining Down Righteousness
- The Righteousness of God by Faith
- The Blessing of Abraham
- Meeting the Demands of the Law
- The Seal of God – I
- The Seal of God – II
- The Sign of God’s Power
- The Glory of the Lord
- The Final Test
- An Attempt to Form the Image