Fragments, Vol. 2: Healing and Temperance

Healing and TemperanceMedical Missionary Work, or the application of the Gospel principles to the healing of the body, is a vital part of the Gospel.

The Gospel deals with moral disease, and since it was sin that brought sickness into the world, the work of dealing with sin must also deal with the consequences of sin. So Christ spent a large part of His ministry in healing the diseases of the body, as an illustration of the power of His word to heal the soul.

It is the work of the Gospel to bring man back to obedience to God’s laws, both moral and physical. Since the final generation is distinctly marked out as those who “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12), the health work takes its place alongside the Gospel.

It is not surprising then, that when the Gospel message was revived in 1888, the principles of God’s way of healing were also brought to the forefront. Many people may not be aware of the large number of articles written by A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner on this topic, but here are the articles of Jones, gathered (I think) for the first time into one collection and organized according to topic.

The consistency and similarity with the later presentations of the same theme, as contained in the book “Your Doctor,” by F. T. Wright, bears witness to the fact that the 1888 message is still alive and well, and among us this very day. 225p



  1. True Temperance is Self-control
  2. The Principle of True Temperance
  3. The Bible and Health
  4. How to Will, and to Do
  5. Why Do You Such Things?
  6. Use Food and Not Stimulants
  7. Do Not Drink Tea
  8. Do Not Drink Poison
  9. Eat That Which is Good
  10. A Kingdom Built on Temperance – I
  11. A Kingdom Built on Temperance – II


  1. Health Reform by Faith – I
  2. Health Reform by Faith – II
  3. Faith Cure
  4. Saving Health
  5. Divine Prescriptions for Health
  6. Religion and Health


  1. Cure “La Grippe” Yourself
  2. Catarrh
  3. Health Reform Resources
  4. The Prisoner’s Friend
  5. The Better Self
  6. Can the Drunkard Have Hope?


  1. Bones, Stones, and Miracles
  2. Faith and the Cure of Disease
  3. Abominable Things
  4. More “Oppositions of Science Falsely So-called”
  5. Why Not Use Sense, Instead?


  1. A True Reformer
  2. Gospel and Medical Work Combined
  3. The Human Temple
  4. A Christian Nurse
  5. Battle Creek Sanitarium Day at the St Louis Exposition
  6. Christ: the Great Model Missionary
  7. The “Why” of the Religious Phase of the Sanitarium


  1. What is True Patriotism?
  2. What is Christian Patriotism?
  3. Christian Naturalization
  4. Renouncing Foreign Allegiance
  5. Love of Country
  6. Loyalty and Allegiance
  7. Harmony with the Law
  8. Leading Away from the Commandments
  9. The Commandments and the Healing of Disease
  10. The Test of All Miracles
  11. The Commandments and False Miracles
  12. The Lord’s Principles vs Satanic Remedies
  13. Cause and Cooperation
  14. Amendment of Life

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