The Desire of Ages

JesusHere are presentations on the life of Christ, drawn from the book, The Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White. They are only rough outlines, raising certain key points, but may be of use to those studying this marvelous book.

The presentations were originally developed during an international Missionary Seminar held in our church center in Germany. The bulk of them were prepared in PowerPoint by our minister, Andreas Dura; although there are also a few by the students (who had to each take a chapter and present it from the front of the class).

I am sharing them here, as PNG images of each slide, which you can browse on the site (or download by right-clicking and saving each image). I will also offer a download link to an ODP file (the LibreOffice/OpenOffice equivalent of Microsoft’s PowerPoint).

The rationale for studying the life of Jesus Christ, on a website devoted to prophecy, is that this is exactly what prophecy is all about: revealing the character of God as presented through Christ.

Many of the Old Testament prophecies pointed forward to Jesus’ time, as a significant milestone in the struggle between good and evil. The life, death and resurrection dealt a deadly blow to Satan’s kingdom. To grasp this better, please read the article, “God’s Character: A Key to Prophecy.” Jesus showed us how evil is to be overcome, and so His life provides the key to understanding the role of His church in the final events.

But the battle did not end after Christ’s resurrection. The same weapons He used, must be used again by His church, under His guidance, and this will bring on the final scenes recorded in the last half of the book of Revelation.

Therefore the life of Christ is the most important study to prepare for the understanding of prophecy. It is the blueprint, the pattern, and the way. It is the most important and essential study for this time, and nothing must distract us from the contemplation of that greatest of all lives.


Here are some charts and tables that may be useful in a study of the Life of Christ.

The Ministry of Our Lord

This is a chart that shows the main events in the 3 1/2 years of ministry of Jesus Christ. The chart also marks the seasons, the years, the festivals, and the particular areas that Jesus’ ministry was divided into (ie. Judean, Galilean, Peraean, etc.): PNG, PDF, PDF for Poster Printing.

5 thoughts on “The Desire of Ages”

  1. This post is from 2020 but I just discover it now because we are tackling this book of EGW on our zoom weekly revival worship. Big thanks to the people behind these posts… but where are the rest of the chapters?

    1. I will try to get 41 to 54 posted, starting tonight. I only have the title and map slides for all the others (19 to 40, 55 to the end). The author of these, Andreas Dura, from Germany, passed away about a year ago. These studies were from a Missionary Seminar in 2005, so I think these are all we have.

  2. A pity he died, the rest of the studies would have been great. We as a family is doing Desire of Ages for worship every night and it would have worked well as my kids would enjoy and understand it better. Hope someone post from Chapter 22 onwards. God bless

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