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This section contains video studies and slideshow presentations used in giving studies on different topics of present truth.
The slideshows are shared here in two ways:
- as a series of Images, each one a picture of the original Slide
- as a downloadable document in ODP format (used by LibreOffice and OpenOffice)
Camp Meeting Videos – Fred Wright
Here are some rare video studies of Fred Wright. Three complete Camp Meetings are available:
- 1983 – The Philadelphian Church
- 1984 – The History and Prophecies of the Laodicean Message
- 1988 – The Book of Ephesians
The Desire of Ages
These presentations were taken from a series of studies on the book, The Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White. This is by far the best book on the life of Christ, outside of the Bible. The Slides are arranged by chapter. It is recommended to first read the chapter, then go through the slides that pertain to it.
The Great Controversy
These presentations were taken from a series of studies on the book, The Great Controversy, by Ellen G. White. This is the best book on church history and prophecy, for understanding the Bible’s teachings on these subjects. The Slides are arranged by chapter. It is recommended to first read the chapter, then go through the slides that pertain to it.
The Book of Daniel
Here are a series of presentations on the book of Daniel, the main prophetic book of the Old Testament in which the timeline of historical events are laid out. This book is essential to understanding the prophecies of the book of Revelation in the New Testament. But it is more than a book of prophetic events, it is also a book of gospel principles, in which God’s way of working and kingdom-building, is contrasted with man’s way of working and kingdom-building. These presentations unfold some of those principles.
Leaving Our Own World
This presentation was given at the International Camp Meeting of 2003. The studies (in PDF) can be downloaded, the slideshow (ODP), and slide images are also available, and there is a link to a song written for the theme.
Signs of the Times
This presentation, which is available in video format also, dwells upon the social and environmental breakdown in our world, which indicate that man is departing from God, and that Christ will soon come to take His people out of this world. It was originally presented at an International Seminar in the year 2002, by a member of our German church, Ralf Euerl.
The Two Republics
Here is a presentation from Andreas Dura that covers the book, The Two Republics, by A. T. Jones. This book deals with the history of the republic of Rome, and how it eventually was built into a false theocracy. It parallels the history of Rome with that of the United States. These slides summarize the main points of the book, and make a nice introduction to it.
Historic Bible Images
Here is a large and expanding collection of historic Bible images taken from old books and engravings, and cleaned up for use in religious literature and teaching. I’m hosting these on Flickr, as it has all the image handling and viewing capabilities needed, which would take a lot of work to try and reproduce on this site.
Scans from 1888 Bible Readings
This collection of scanned images from the 1888 edition of Bible Readings for the Home is offered freely for anyone who can make use of them. A friend of mine did these many years ago. I believe they are about 300dpi, grayscale. They are offered in PNG format. I’ve divided the collection into parts: Charts, Pics, Verses, and Other.
How to make FolioViews Links in Slideshows
This short tutorial explains how to make clickable hyperlinks in a slideshow program (such as LibreOffice Impress, or Microsoft Powerpoint) that open up FolioViews books, such as the Ellen White writings collection, or the KJV Bible that comes with this collection.