Archive for the ‘Sanctuary’ Category

Another Look at Acts 3:19

December 1st, 2023

The Judgment of the Living must come after the Latter Rain, not before.

Gottes Weg im Heiligtum

August 11th, 2023

Gottes Weg im Heiligtum ist nicht eine tote, technische Darstellung, wie so viele andere Bücher über das Heiligtum es sind. Es ist voller geistlicher Einsichten hinsichtlich jedes Details des Gebäudes und seiner Dienste. Während sich die Kapitel 1-9 um geschichtliche Dinge und dem Bau und der Bedeutung des Heiligtums drehen, geht es ab Kapitel 10 … Continue reading Gottes Weg im Heiligtum

The Sanctuary of the Bible

August 10th, 2019

Here is a nice concise presentation of the light on the Heavenly Sanctuary as it unfolded to the Advent people, shortly after 1844. The understanding of Christ’s work in the Sanctuary in heaven, and the cooperation of His people on earth, is critical to the interpretation of the books of Daniel and the Revelation. The … Continue reading The Sanctuary of the Bible


April 24th, 2019

Melchizedek is the mysterious king-priest who meets Abraham and blesses him. That’s all we would know about him except that the apostle Paul unfolded the topic a bit more in the book of Hebrews, showing that the Melchizedek priesthood is the true heavenly one, of which Christ is the great original. But Melchizedek was not … Continue reading Melchizedek

God’s Way in the Sanctuary

April 24th, 2019

There is only one way of salvation, the one which was formed in the mind of God and in which there is not one thread of human devising. It is left with men to search diligently until they have found that way, for there is salvation in no other. Instead of doing this, religionists have … Continue reading God’s Way in the Sanctuary