Here are the 24 studies given by A. T. Jones at the 1893 General Conference Session. In his messages to the church, Jones emphasized that law-keeping, or righteousness, was only possible when Christ’s life was planted in the human soul. The prerequisite was a deep repentance, wherein the old man, the man of sin, or … Continue reading The Second Advent Gospel, Book 1
Archive for the ‘Sabbath’ Category
The Second Advent Gospel, Book 1
February 14th, 2025Facts for the Times
September 9th, 2024In this particular work Merritt Cornell has gathered together many historical quotations and statements that support various points of Adventist truth, thus showing that they are not entirely unique or odd ideas, but that these special truths have been entertained by others, at other times, although they did not see the entire framework of truth, … Continue reading Facts for the Times
Discussion on the Sabbath Question
September 6th, 2024Here is an interesting piece of history. During the time of the pioneers, Adventists were sometimes involved in public debates, usually regarding the Sabbath doctrine. This is, to my knowledge, the only printed record of one of those debates. Merritt Cornell is defending the Sabbath against Miles Grant, who is an Advent Christian, but doesn’t … Continue reading Discussion on the Sabbath Question
The Royal Law Contended For
March 31st, 2024While researching some early Advent material, I came across a reprint of this article in the defense of the seventh-day Sabbath, from the days of the Dissenters in the mid-1600’s. Part of it was reprinted in the Review and Herald of September 2, 1851. Here is the description they gave: The friends of the Sabbath … Continue reading The Royal Law Contended For
Gems of Truth, Book 1
December 4th, 2023Here is the first volume of a two-volume set of collected Articles and transcribed Sermons by Robert Brinsmead, a man whom God used to spearhead the revival of the 1888 message in the late 1950’s and into the 1960’s. This volume is full of the treasures of truth that the Advent message has brought to … Continue reading Gems of Truth, Book 1