Archive for the ‘Prophecy’ Category

4. Epistle to the Church in Ephesus

October 8th, 2022

The Church in Ephesus is the first of the Seven Churches of Revelation. The messages to the churches are divided into three parts: The name or description of Christ by which He introduces Himself to the church; The charge to the angel of the church, consisting of positive and negative observations; The Spirit’s exhortation and … Continue reading 4. Epistle to the Church in Ephesus

What Was The 1888 Message?

June 20th, 2022

The Brinsmead “Awakening” movement of the late 1950’s and early 1960’s was a true revival of the 1888 Adventist gospel message. This pamphlet, published during that revival, explains the 1888 gospel, and in what ways it is the same as that taught by the Protestant Reformers, and in what ways it goes further. It also … Continue reading What Was The 1888 Message?

The Promises to Israel

September 18th, 2021

God’s people are identified by faith, not by flesh.

Cutting Reproof

September 5th, 2021

James White wrote this article and published it in the Advent Review of 1850. It deals with the Sabbath commandment, and it’s prophetic relevance for the last days. It is mainly aimed at Adventists, or those who have a fairly good understanding of the prophetic basis of Adventism, and it is interesting to note that … Continue reading Cutting Reproof

The Gospel of the Kingdom

August 22nd, 2021

For a time, W. W. Prescott lent his abilities in the support of the 1888 message. The articles that comprise this book, which covers the first seven chapters of Daniel, are possibly the finest result, and they are indeed excellent. They were printed in the Present Truth magazine in 1900, while Waggoner was still the … Continue reading The Gospel of the Kingdom