Archive for the ‘Prophecy’ Category

Revelation 4, Part 1 – He Upon the Throne

August 19th, 2015

Revelation ch. 4: Christ, the god-man, sitting on the Father’s throne in heaven.

Prophecies of Christ’s First Advent

August 18th, 2015

I did not create this list of prophecies regarding Christ. But I found it useful and wish to share it. It does not take into account all the Old Testament types. For example: Moses as a type of Christ (leader), Joseph as a type of Christ (saviour), Job as a type of Christ (sufferer), the … Continue reading Prophecies of Christ’s First Advent

Isaiah – Important Chapters to Study

August 18th, 2015

The prophecies of Isaiah still speak to our time.

Human Nature and Its Restraints

August 18th, 2015

The commandments of God and faith of Jesus are the solution to our problems.

Churchcraft and Statecraft, part 1

August 18th, 2015

The last and fatal attempt to rule the world will be a joining of Church (clay) and State (iron)…