Arkansas – Lessons from Daniel From the Messenger and News Review of September, 1980, Fred wrote: On August 29, the camp meeting in Arkansas commenced as scheduled…The message covered at this camp was…a verse by verse study of Daniel from beginning to end. The Daniel messages brought great blessing and encouragement to us all. For … Continue reading 1980
Archive for the ‘Prophecy’ Category
March 28th, 2025Gems of Truth, Book 2
November 17th, 2024Here is the second volume of a two-volume set of the early writings of Robert Brinsmead, a man whom God used to spearhead the revival of the 1888 message in the late 1950’s and into the 1960’s. This volume is full of the treasures of truth that the Advent message has brought to the understanding … Continue reading Gems of Truth, Book 2
The Four Universal Monarchies
September 15th, 2024Here’s a reproduction of an early Advent publication, edited by James White, which drew heavily from an 1843 Millerite series of articles on Daniel 2, 7, 8 & 9 by George Storrs. It covers the basic prophetic outline of the four monarchies: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. These are the foundational prophecies that every other … Continue reading The Four Universal Monarchies
Facts for the Times
September 9th, 2024In this particular work Merritt Cornell has gathered together many historical quotations and statements that support various points of Adventist truth, thus showing that they are not entirely unique or odd ideas, but that these special truths have been entertained by others, at other times, although they did not see the entire framework of truth, … Continue reading Facts for the Times
The Life and Labors of Joseph Bates
July 28th, 2024Very few pioneers carried on from the American Advent revival into the Seventh-day Adventist church. Joseph Bates was one of those few. This is his autobiography. About 3/4 of the book deals with his life as a sailor, and later a captain. Even in this phase of his life, he was being led and prepared … Continue reading The Life and Labors of Joseph Bates