Archive for the ‘Lessons from History’ Category

Nehemia und der Wiederaufbau der Mauer

February 25th, 2024

Nehemia und der Aufbau der Mauer ist eine historische Vorschattung des Abschlußwerkes, um die Wiederkunft Christi vorzubereiten–Die Geschichte zwischen Gut und Böse wiederholt sich immer wieder: Wie die Schutzmauer Jerusalems abschnittsweise durch den Angriff Babylons niedergerissen war, so daß sie den Bürgern keinen Schutz mehr bot, so wurde auch der Schutz des Volkes Gottes–die Zehn … Continue reading Nehemia und der Wiederaufbau der Mauer

Grundsatze wahrer Erziehung

January 31st, 2024

Need a description…         116p HERUNTERLADEN Translations > German (Deutsch) > Grundsatze wahrer Erziehung

The Complete Testimony of the Fathers

June 11th, 2023

Advocates for Sunday allowed their zeal for their tradition to get the better of their scholarship, and misused the writings of the early church Fathers (100AD-300AD) in order to gather support for the idea that Sunday was an apostolical institution, observed immediately as a replacement for the Sabbath in the early church. Because of this, … Continue reading The Complete Testimony of the Fathers

How Does God Heal Today?

August 28th, 2022

God does not work miracles to exalt us.

Through the Bible

June 16th, 2022

Appearing in the 1908 Medical Missionary periodical, these articles cover the first 8 chapters of Genesis. It seems they were intended to cover the whole Bible, but the series was never finished. There are, however, some very nice gospel insights, and these studies contain the only explanation of the everlasting covenant spoken to Noah, in … Continue reading Through the Bible