Arkansas – Lessons from Daniel From the Messenger and News Review of September, 1980, Fred wrote: On August 29, the camp meeting in Arkansas commenced as scheduled…The message covered at this camp was…a verse by verse study of Daniel from beginning to end. The Daniel messages brought great blessing and encouragement to us all. For … Continue reading 1980
Archive for the ‘Lessons from History’ Category
March 28th, 2025Facts for the Times
September 9th, 2024In this particular work Merritt Cornell has gathered together many historical quotations and statements that support various points of Adventist truth, thus showing that they are not entirely unique or odd ideas, but that these special truths have been entertained by others, at other times, although they did not see the entire framework of truth, … Continue reading Facts for the Times
The Life and Labors of Joseph Bates
July 28th, 2024Very few pioneers carried on from the American Advent revival into the Seventh-day Adventist church. Joseph Bates was one of those few. This is his autobiography. About 3/4 of the book deals with his life as a sailor, and later a captain. Even in this phase of his life, he was being led and prepared … Continue reading The Life and Labors of Joseph Bates
Die Zwei Republiken
April 27th, 2024IN diesem umfangreichen Buch wird die Geschichte der römischen Republik nachgezeichnet und gezeigt, wie sie schließlich zu einer falschen theokratischen Regierung verkommen ist, welche von der katholischen Kirche instrumentalisiert wird. Anschließend wird dies mit der Republik der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika verglichen und gezeigt, dass ihr ein ähnlicher Weg prophezeit wird (in Offenbarung 13) und … Continue reading Die Zwei Republiken
How the Gospel Came to Britain
April 21st, 2024There was an ancient church in Britain, established around the time of the Apostles. For hundreds of years this church grew and developed, and sent missionaries throughout the Ireland and the British Isles, and further into Western Europe. Eventually, the church of Rome, unable to endure a Christian group that was not under her direct … Continue reading How the Gospel Came to Britain