Here is the first volume of a two-volume set of collected Articles and transcribed Sermons by Robert Brinsmead, a man whom God used to spearhead the revival of the 1888 message in the late 1950’s and into the 1960’s. This volume is full of the treasures of truth that the Advent message has brought to … Continue reading Gems of Truth, Book 1
Archive for the ‘Law’ Category
Gems of Truth, Book 1
December 4th, 2023The Law of Grace
November 26th, 2023Is the Law of Grace different from the Ten Commandments?
Schätze aus den Psalmen
October 27th, 2023Dieses ist eine neue Sammlung von besinnlichen und lehrreichen Kommentaren Waggoners zu den Psalmen: manchmal nur ein oder zwei Verse; manchmal der ganze Psalm. Sie stammen aus Waggoners regelmäßig erscheinenden Artikeln in den Zeitschriften The Present Truth (England), The Signs of the Times und Medical Missionary, und dies ist das erste Mal, daß sie in … Continue reading Schätze aus den Psalmen
Sabbath Collection
August 10th, 2023In this collection are gathered the writings by J. N. Andrews on the topic of the Sabbath, from one of the earliest pamphlets on the Sabbath truth, into more elaborate sermons and writings establishing the historical and Biblical foundation of the Sabbath within the framework of the Law and the Gospel. Andrews’ larger book, History … Continue reading Sabbath Collection
Wrested Scriptures Made Plain
February 11th, 2023Here is a book from a Wesleyan Methodist Pentecostal minister, published in 1900. I’m including it among our “Pioneer” collection, because the Methodist Pentecostals, unlike the more modern Pentecostals we are familiar with, emphasized Holiness, or Sanctification. They taught the cleansing away of the carnal mind, which is very similar to the gospel we believe … Continue reading Wrested Scriptures Made Plain