Archive for the ‘Gospel’ Category

Christ and His Righteousness

April 25th, 2019

This small book is a good place to start if you’ve never read the 1888 message. It is a beautiful and concise presentation of the way of salvation. Contents What Is Christ to Us? How Shall We Consider Christ Is Christ God? Christ as Creator Is Christ a Created Being God Manifest in the Flesh … Continue reading Christ and His Righteousness

Living Righteousness and the Sabbath of God

April 24th, 2019

The Sabbath is a memorial of God’s everlasting power. The gospel is the power of God. Therefore the Sabbath is also a memorial of the saving power of God. When by His omnipotence, God establishes His righteousness within a believer, He also puts the Sabbath there, for the two are eternally inseparable. True Sabbath keeping … Continue reading Living Righteousness and the Sabbath of God

Justified by Faith

April 24th, 2019

Justification is the divine provision for the sin problem. It is obtained by the correct exercise of faith, and thus becomes a living experience within the recipient. It is the most desirable treasure any soul can covet, for it brings the gift of eternal life. Yet, as Christ Himself has sadly confirmed, few will find … Continue reading Justified by Faith

God’s Way in the Sanctuary

April 24th, 2019

There is only one way of salvation, the one which was formed in the mind of God and in which there is not one thread of human devising. It is left with men to search diligently until they have found that way, for there is salvation in no other. Instead of doing this, religionists have … Continue reading God’s Way in the Sanctuary

Bible Studies on the Christian Life

April 22nd, 2019

Here are a series of studies that appeared in The Present Truth magazine from 1896-1897. The first study carried the title “Bible Studies on the Christian Life”. The rest didn’t, but followed on in the same theme, in fairly chronological order (with a few gaps). So I’ve assembled them all into one booklet. 70p There … Continue reading Bible Studies on the Christian Life