The Seven Churches of Revelation

The Seven Churches of RevelationWilliam Miller was the man who began the Advent revival in America, in the late 1830’s to mid 1840’s.

The two articles that make up this work were taken from a collection of Lectures, published in 1842.

In this work, the seven churches of Revelation 2 and 3 are treated prophetically, as covering seven periods of church history, from the apostles’ time to the return of Christ.

It is a good example of how the early Advent message combined the gospel and prophecy into a united and powerful call to repentance and consecration. 46p


  1. The Seven Churches of Revelation
  2. A Figure of the Christian Dispensation
  3. Ephesus
  4. Smyrna
  5. Pergamos
  6. Thyatira
  7. Sardis
  8. Philadelphia
  9. Laodicea

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