The Rock of Ages

The Rock of AgesIn 1860, Edward Henry Bickersteth published this book to show some of the immense amount of scriptural evidence for the Godhead: the divinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

At that time, Unitarianism was making inroads, with its teaching that Christ was a created being, and that the Holy Spirit was just the power of God. A variation of these teachings is now being circulated among the fringes of Adventism. It is simply a revival of the old Arian teachings from the early centuries of the church.

When I was a young Christian, I read Bickersteth’s book, and it really solidified my grasp on the Godhead. Recently I’ve met a few acquaintances who were swayed by this modern Arian teaching, so I thought it would be good to present this book in a more modern format. It is the most complete and thorough work I know of on this subject.

I’ve included a 30-page Foreword that discusses this topic from an Adventist point of view. There is a discussion of some of the statements from the Adventist pioneers, who are often quoted to support these mistaken views.

I would also recommend reading the following books which discuss Christ’s divinity and humanity, in the light of the 1888 message: The Living and the Dead, Melchizedek, The Destiny of a Movement.

As an interesting side note, Bickersteth’s father was also a minister, and played a significant role in the Advent awakening in England. He wrote a book titled, A Practical Guide to the Prophecies, which came to similar conclusions on many of the prophetic topics as those held in the American Advent movement. 219p


  1. Preparation for the Study
  2. Trust in God, the Creator
  3. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ
  4. The Deity of Jesus Christ
  5. The Condescension of Christ
  6. The Divinity of the Holy Spirit
  7. Life in the Godhead

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