Non-Violent Coercion

Non-Violent CoercionHere is a book I came across while searching on the topic. It was published in 1923 by a Sociology professor in America, and is a study into the use of non-violent coercion, or “soul force” as Gandhi liked to call it.

It covers some of the history of various Anabaptist groups and other small denominations who held to this truth because they strongly believed in the separation of church (the power of spiritual love) and the state (the power of carnal force); or “the garden of God,” and “the wilderness of the world,” as Roger Williams phrased it.

It also covers the use of this principle of non-violent non-cooperation in other facets of society. Of course, this is not a religous book, nor a book of faith; although you can certainly be inspired by studying it. In some places the language is scholastic (dense) and not everyone will be able to wade through it.

The importance of this study is highlighted by the book Behold Your God, in which God’s non-violent character is explained all throughout the Bible. The book, The Seven Angels, also shows how the 144,000 will triumph, just as Jesus triumphed on the cross, which was the ultimate expression of non-violent love. It is this revelation of God’s character that will bring down the kingdom of Satan.



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