Facts for the Times

Facts for the TimesIn this particular work Merritt Cornell has gathered together many historical quotations and statements that support various points of Adventist truth, thus showing that they are not entirely unique or odd ideas, but that these special truths have been entertained by others, at other times, although they did not see the entire framework of truth, but only a small piece.

For His last work in the world, God has gathered together all these gems of truth, and placed them in their order, each part
connected to the other, so that the faith and obedience of His people can be perfected in these last days, as they study the glorious picture of Christ therein revealed.

I have prefaced this work with some Biographical Details, some Testimonies from Merritt and his wife Angeline, and some Poems from Angeline Cornell. 220p


  1. Use of the Scriptures
  2. Tradition Against Reform
  3. Likeness of Catholicism to Paganism
  4. Increase of Knowledge
  5. The Prophecies
  6. The Prophetic Periods
  7. Fall of Babylon
  8. The United States in Prophecy
  9. Blasphemous Character of the Papal Power
  10. The Temporal Millennium or The World’s Conversion a Fable
  11. Signs of the Times
  12. The World Waxed Old
  13. The Second Advent
  14. Perpetuity of the Moral Law
  15. The True Bible Sabbath
  16. Baptism by Immersion
  17. Is the Soul Immortal?
  18. Death of Christ
  19. Ordinance of Humility
  20. Miscellaneous

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