The Three Temples

The Three Temples

This booklet was first printed in 1977, but had been presented at camp meetings previously. An announcement in the July 1977 News Review stated:

The Three Temples is the printed version of the study which all who have been to the camp meetings over the past two years have certainly heard and appreciated. It is a study designed to show that the sanctuary of old was a picture in very clear form of what God intended the soul temple of His children to be.

As the ancient sanctuary was built of sin-cursed materials by the hands of sinful, fallen and mortal humans, so the bodies of every child of God are built in the same way. Just as that building was to be the abode of the very presence of God so our bodies are to be the combination of divinity and humanity.

But as the temple back there was not always the abode of God’s presence, so the human temple can be emptied of the presence of God, whereupon the devil enters. This happened with our first parents with the result that we are all born into the world with the devil as the occupant of the soul temple–not God. Before the Lord can enter, the devil must firstly be expelled.

Those who experience this can then grow to finally become eternal temples such as is pictured by the New Jerusalem.

This study teaches with clarity the need for the eradication of the old man. 34p


  1. The Sanctuary in the Wilderness
    • Our Body Temples
    • Distinctions
    • The Incarnation of Christ
    • A Perfect Service
  2. The Second Temple
    • Sons of Satan
    • First and Second Birth
    • The Way of Salvation
  3. The Third Temple

“The Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us.” John 1:14

An audio presentation can be heard here: The Three Temples.


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