The Seven Angels

The Seven Angels

In 1837, William Miller began his preaching of the soon return of our Lord, which initiated the First Angel’s Message of Revelation 14.

Shortly after, in the summer of 1844, because of the rejection of the first message by the churches, the Second Angel’s Message of Revelation 14:8 began to sound, “Babylon is fallen”, and quickly after that, the Third Angel’s Message of Revelation 14:9-12, about the warning against the beast and his image, thus further delineating to the people of God, the type of soul preparation needed to stand in the last days.

Somewhat later in 1888, these messages were revived, along with added truths, in the Fourth Angel’s Message of Revelation 18.

What is not generally seen is that there are actually Seven Angels in total (six in Revelation 14, and one in Revelation 18), and that each one of these does a work that is necessary before the end can come. This book covers all seven of the messages, concentrating in particular on the neglected last three. 489p

Note: As of April 2020, this book has been reformatted, new pictures and subheadings were added, and the PDF is now fully ready for reading on electronic devices (computer and tablet).


  1. A New & Distinct Utterance
  2. A Tragic Mistake Repeated
  3. Seven Angels—Seven Movements
  4. The First Angel
  5. The Gospel, Genesis, and the First Angel
  6. The Second Angel
  7. The Second Angel Follows the First
  8. The Third Angel
  9. A Great & Thorough Work
  10. An Unnecessary Crisis
  11. The Fourth Angel
  12. Rejected, But Why?
  13. The Fourth Angel Returns
  14. Harvests and First-fruits
  15. The Role of the First-fruits
  16. Satan Unmasked
  17. The Eyes of Man Opened
  18. The Great River Euphrates
  19. The Light Shines Through
  20. Their Plea
  21. Christ Demonstrates the Way
  22. The Sixth Angel
  23. The Wine of Divine Wrath
  24. The Vine of the Earth
  25. The Seventh Angel


6 thoughts on “The Seven Angels”

  1. I would love to translate them into French for people need to know these truths, would you know who I would need to dress to regarding copywrites licences?
    thanks for your answer and your ministry. stay blessed.

    1. There are no copyrights on our books or materials. This is “by design”! We want anyone who loves these truths to be free to translate, print, circulate, learn and teach the gospel, as God leads them. If you produce some French translations, I will be glad to post them here, under our translations section. But you can also distribute them in any other way that you think is suitable.

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