The Little Book Opened

The Little Book Opened

Daniel’s “little book” was sealed “until the time of the end.” That time was 1798, when the Papal power received a “deadly wound” during the French Revolution. After that time, the final events in the prophecies of Daniel began to unfold, and to be understood by earnest seekers all around the world.

In Revelation 10, an Angel appears with a little book open in his hand. This Angel speaks and acts just like the one who sealed Daniel’s book in Daniel 12, only now the book is open in his hand, and he commands John to eat it. The chapters of Revelation which follow, require an understanding of Daniel’s prophecies, and this is what the Angel came to give.

This book is made up of the last series of articles that Fred Wright wrote, up until the time of his death in June 29, 1997. He had written many in advance, so they continued to be published monthly in the church periodical, the last article appearing in December 2000. It is his longest work, as well. It’s a deep dive into the spiritual meaning of the book of Daniel (with references to Revelation), and it holds up Daniel as an example of the type of people that will be involved in the final movements of God’s work, and who will be alive to see Christ return.

Fred originally intended to cover both the books of Daniel and Revelation, but he only finished the Daniel series up to the end of chapter 11. Nevertheless, this work stands as a witness to the power of the everlasting gospel message when combined with the unfolding prophetic scroll. This work is the last testimony of a man who devoted most of his life to being a minister and messenger for God. 918p


  1. A Great Revival Promised
  2. The Status of Daniel as a Sealed Book
  3. A Door Standing Open in Heaven
  4. The Lamb Unseals the Daniel Scroll
  5. Parallels
  6. National Apostasy — National Ruin
  7. Apostasy: The Starting Point
  8. Apostasy is Preventable
  9. The Sin Against the Holy Spirit
  10. The Two Israels
  11. The Two Babylons
  12. Truth and Love, the Prevailing Power
  13. The Role of Jeremiah the Prophet
  14. Restoration of All That Was Lost
  15. Rising and Falling Nations
  16. From Jerusalem to Babylon
  17. In the Heart of the Enemy’s Camp
  18. The Question of Temperance
  19. The Victory is the Lord’s
  20. Never Man Spoke Like This Man
  21. Daniel, the Student Prophet
  22. God Makes a Master Plan
  23. Men on Full Alert
  24. Faith Begets Faith
  25. The Dream Unfolded
  26. Churchcraft and Statecraft
  27. Righteousness Exalts a Nation
  28. The Image All of Gold
  29. Tried by Fire
  30. The Great Tree
  31. Good for Evil
  32. The Quest for Wealth, Power, and Position
  33. Laws and Lions
  34. The Prophecies of Daniel
  35. Beasts and Horns
  36. Characteristics of the Little Horn
  37. The Attempt to Change the Law
  38. Thrones and Judgments
  39. God’s Power to Withstand the Enemy
  40. Death: The Last Enemy to be Destroyed
  41. The Saints Possess the Kingdom
  42. The Judgment Is Set
  43. The Ram, the Goat, and the Little Horn
  44. The Sanctuary Restored
  45. When the Transgressors Come to the Full
  46. The King with Fierce Features
  47. Special Strengthening
  48. Daniel’s Prevailing Prayer
  49. The Power of Importunate Prayer
  50. The Matter and the Vision
  51. The Beginning of the 483 Years
  52. Days of Opportunity
  53. Important Changes in the Situation
  54. No More Treading Underfoot
  55. Before and After the End of the 2300 Years
  56. The Sanctuary to Be Cleansed After the 2300 Years
  57. The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary
  58. Advancement Through Communion With God
  59. The Angel Gabriel
  60. Understanding the Vision
  61. Behind the Visible
  62. The Latter Days
  63. Learning from the Past
  64. The Ministry of the Angels
  65. The Prophetic Unfolding of Greater Detail
  66. Daniel’s People in the Last Days
  67. What You Are Determines Who You Are
  68. The King of the North
  69. Two Contrasting Kingdoms
  70. The Appointed Time is Long
  71. Gathering Momentum
  72. Only One Step Away from World Dominion
  73. The Fall of Babylon

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