The Destiny of a Movement

The Destiny of a Movement

In 1949 and on through the 1950’s, critical changes were made by the Seventh-day Adventist leadership to some key Adventist doctrines, especially regarding the atonement, and the human nature of Christ. These changes were openly published in the book Questions on Doctrine.

These changes ran exactly against-the-grain of the “everlasting gospel” message which had been presented in 1888 by elders Waggoner and Jones, and was at that time being revived by people such as elders Wieland and Short, and the Brinsmead Awakening.

Other concerned leaders in the church, such as M.L. Andreasen, identified these changes as the “omega of apostasy” that Ellen White had warned about over 50 years ago.

Then in 1971, another book was published by one of the authors of Questions on Doctrine, Movement of Destiny, by LeRoy Froom. This book heralded the changes made in Questions on Doctrine as a turning point in Adventism that would lead to a brighter and more glorious future.

This book, The Destiny of a Movement, is intended as an analysis and answer to the thought conveyed by the book, Movement of Destiny. It covers the dire implications of the doctrinal changes, and also has a wonderful in-depth study of the nature of the flesh of Christ, his struggle in Gethsemane, and how he was β€œin all points, tempted like as we are.” Hebrews 4:15. 370p


  1. First Words
  2. Last Day Deceptions
  3. The Test of Deception
  4. Try Those Spirits
  5. We Can Obey to Perfection
  6. What the Incarnation Proves
  7. Christ is Truly God
  8. Christ is Truly Man
  9. His Tent and Ours
  10. From the Depths
  11. The Two Deaths
  12. Seeming Contradictions
  13. The Papacy is Antichrist
  14. Why It is So
  15. The Modern Protestant Churches are Antichrist
  16. More Than a Mere Confrontation
  17. More on the Real Issues at Minneapolis
  18. Waggoner Misrepresented
  19. Waggoner was not in Error
  20. One Giant Step Too Far
  21. Adventism Identified with Antichrist
  22. Teachers of the Immaculate Conception
  23. The Wine of Babylon

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