Revival and Reformation

Revival and Reformation

The Christian life is comprised of two great works: a revival, and a reformation. One is the start of the new life, the other is a life-long work of education and retraining.

Just what comprises these two works, and how they are different from each other, is the theme of this book. Many biblical examples are drawn from the lives of the prophets and apostles, men of “like passions as we.” 364p


  1. A Pressing Problem
  2. Distinctions
  3. Problems and Solutions
  4. The Problem of Bondage
  5. The Solution of Deliverance
  6. Vital Distinctions
  7. Further Evidences
  8. The Men of Romans 7 & 8
  9. Battlefields
  10. Contrasting Characters
  11. The Long Preparatory Process
  12. From Classroom to Classroom
  13. David In Philistia
  14. King And People—Shared Fault
  15. The Christian Life is a Perilous Way
  16. Ideas And Theories
  17. Wrong Concept, Wrong Preparation
  18. Perversion
  19. The King Today
  20. You Are All Clean
  21. Yet They Sinned
  22. Cleansing and Communion
  23. Perplexity and Confusion
  24. Moses and Elijah
  25. Saul

“As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.” Colossians 2:6


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