Revelation 17

Revelation 17

This study on Revelation 17 “was compiled from written material and a taped study given in 1965.” I did not do the compilation, so I can’t say which written materials were used. But the study accurately portrays the teachings of Fred Wright on this topic.

Revelation 17 seems complicated at first. A woman riding a beast with seven heads and ten horns; one of the heads returns as the eighth horn; five heads are fallen, one is, one is yet to come; and so on.

But with a grounding in the prophecies of Daniel, beginning with the kingdom of Babylon, it is not so difficult to map out the seven kingdoms that lead up to the final manifestation of Babylon the Great, Satan’s counterfeit of Christ’s kingdom; an outward worldwide union of religion and state powers.

This study also briefly covers the work of the true church, under Christ’s direction, in bringing down the kingdom of Babylon. 28p


  1. Identifying Babylon the Great
  2. Establishing the Time
  3. The Seven Heads of the Beast
  4. The Ten Horns
  5. The Seven Plagues
  6. The First Four Plagues
  7. The Fifth Plague
  8. The Sixth Plague
  9. The Kings of the East

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