Last Day Events

Last Day Events

The last day events of human history are even now in the process of fulfillment. Confusion will be on every hand, every wind of doctrine will be blowing, and the seething, restless masses will not know where to turn in order to find refuge.

But, in this fearful time, there will be those who, thoroughly understanding what the last day events will be, will see in each event, a comforting landmark on the way to final deliverance. The information required to guarantee safe passage through this great time of trouble such as never has been, nor ever will be, is contained in this book. 695p


  1. The Image of the Beast
  2. The Rise of the Beast
  3. The Rise of the Image
  4. The Role of Spiritualism
  5. The Four Angels
  6. The Marriage Prophecy
  7. The Marriage Prophecy-Part II
  8. Babylon the Great
  9. The Message Swells
  10. A Worldwide Union
  11. The Great, Final Test
  12. The Timing of the Judgment of the Living
  13. Two Entirely Different Separations
  14. In the Sanctuary Service
  15. The Shut Door
  16. The Sealing Work
  17. The First Seal
  18. The Former and Latter Rain
  19. The Second Seal
  20. The Loud Cry Begins
  21. The Loud Cry Develops
  22. The Final Shaking
  23. Tried to the Uttermost
  24. Joshua and the Angel
  25. The Duration of Jacob’s Trouble
  26. Plagues, and Last Plagues
  27. The Unknown Hour
  28. The First Four Plagues
  29. The Fifth Plague
  30. The Hour of Deliverance
  31. The River Euphrates
  32. The Sixth Plague
  33. Jacob’s Trouble
  34. A Sinless People
  35. Cleansing from Earthliness
  36. The Seventh Plague
  37. The Special Resurrection
  38. Last Hours of the Wicked
  39. Jesus Comes Again
  40. The Scapegoat Transaction
  41. The Millennium
  42. The Great Judgment Day

“We have the prophetic word…which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place.” 2 Peter 1:9

Note: As of Feb 16, 2018, the version offered here has been fully reformatted. It includes the color pictures (from the FTW Folio Views CD), reworked diagrams (a few new ones), new subheadings throughout, hyperlinked cross references, and more!



2 thoughts on “Last Day Events”

  1. It IS available. Please try the links again. You can either click on the picture of the book, higher up on the page, or the PDF icon in the yellow box. The book offered here is NOT the book by the same name consisiting of selections from the writings of Ellen G. White. This is the book by F. T. Wright.

    1. How are you my brother? I am Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 and the pdf isn’t accessible. But am urgently looking for it. I don’t know if there are alternatives to get it. I did try what you advised and the one coming up is by Ellen G White

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