God’s Sabbath Rest

God's Sabbath Rest

Ancient Israel failed to enter into God’s rest because they did not understand His ways. This book outlines clearly just what God’s ways are, and how we may make those ways our ways, and thus be true Sabbath-keepers.

The Sabbath commandment means much more than merely resting physically one day in seven. It means to commemorate and remember the power of God which has worked throughout the other six days. Therefore, the Sabbath can only truly be kept by those who rest in God’s creative power throughout the week.

To rest in God’s power means to understand and cooperate with His ways; to make Him the Plan-Maker, Problem-Solver, and Burden-Bearer in our daily lives. When God has a people who will follow His ways without deviation, as Jesus did when He was on earth, He will be able to finish His work on earth.

This book defines what it means to have God as our Plan-Maker, and then shows throughout the Bible how God’s plans always brought success, whereas man’s attempts to put himself in God’s place, always brought disaster and delay. 512p


  1. The Ultimate Source
  2. Christ—the Great Connector
  3. Dependent Receivers
  4. Laboring to Enter God’s Rest
  5. Kadesh Barnea
  6. Faith Without Works is Dead
  7. An Education in God’s Ways
  8. Successes and Failures
  9. Abraham and Sarah
  10. Circumcision
  11. The Battle for the Birthright
  12. David’s Loss of Faith
  13. David Chooses the Way of Success
  14. David Entangled
  15. David’s Deliverance
  16. A Deeper Lesson
  17. How It All Began
  18. The Consequences of God’s Plans
  19. Christ Our Example
  20. Christ Shows the Way
  21. God’s Witnesses
  22. The Life of Job
  23. John the Baptist
  24. The Resurrection of Lazarus
  25. Opposing Principles of Operation
  26. The Living Connection
  27. Divine Guidance
  28. Putting Theory into Practice
  29. The Place for Our Plans
  30. Our Need for the Sabbath
  31. The Sabbath Blessing
  32. God’s Way in Missionary Work
  33. Dispute Resolution
  34. The Reappearance of the Problem
  35. Paul’s Mistake
  36. The Jewish Tragedy
  37. A Final Opportunity

“There remains therefore a rest to the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9



4 thoughts on “God’s Sabbath Rest”

    1. Scott, the Sabbath Rest principles are the belief that God is the Problem Solver, Plan Maker, and Burden Bearer. Every sin is an attempt, by man, to supplant God in these areas. But this can happen in the religious sphere also, as in the case of Abraham’s production of Ishmael. In this case, Abraham did not clearly understand his role, and God’s role, in the fulfillment of the promises to “his seed.” Therefore, he ended up trying to take God’s place. He attained a result (Ishmael was born) but it was not the promise of God. I recommend that you read the book above, to see these principles more clearly, as illustrated throughout the Bible.

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