Child Salvation

Child Salvation

The disaffection of children to their parents and of parents to their children is a sign that the end is approaching. But the Elijah message, which is to prepare the way of the Lord, promises to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.” Malachi 4:6.

This is an important part of that message, and shows how our children can be filled with the Spirit of God, even from their earliest moments. It also applies the principles of the character of God to the government of families. 402p

Note: it is recommended that the reader first be familiar with the book, Behold Your God, and the booklet, Freedom from Sin.


  1. Brokenhearted Parents
  2. Remarkably Different
  3. The Promise is Fully Reliable
  4. The Model Child
  5. Triumphant Over the Confederacy
  6. The Head and Not the Tail
  7. The Secret of Christ’s Intellectual Might
  8. A Sure Thing
  9. You Can Choose for Your Children
  10. Infant Baptism
  11. Diligent Effort Required
  12. You Must Be Born Again
  13. Practical Considerations
  14. Spiritual Qualifications
  15. The Divine Purpose in Marriage
  16. Marriage is Forever
  17. The Extent of God’s Commitment
  18. Further Considerations on Marriage
  19. Effecting the New Birth
  20. The Prenatal Period
  21. Making the Most of the Prenatal Period
  22. The Older Child
  23. The Competent Educator
  24. The Parents’ Part as Educators
  25. Perfect Obedience is the Objective
  26. Teaching the Purpose of Life 374


5 thoughts on “Child Salvation”

    1. Not at all. And we should not fixate on “a man.” The work of Elijah is a message, regardless of how many men or women may be needed to make up that full message.

      Elijah’s message was one of tearing down the idols that had separated from Jehovah, to prepare the way for the true worship again. Elisha’s ministry, which followed, was a quieter ministry, teaching and instructing the people, and working via the “schools of the prophets.” This work undoubtedly prepared the faithful to stand during the times of apostasy that followed when Babylon overcame Jerusalem.

      At that time, Jeremiah continued as God’s spokesperson, and his work combined elements of Elijah and Elisha. It was the Spirit of God working through Jeremiah’s ministry that helped prepare Daniel and his friends to stand in the court of Babylon and witness for God.

      There is a whole chapter in Prophets and Kings, chapter 14, “In the Spirit and Power of Elias” that covers the work done by the “Elijah people” in our day. Primarily, she talks about Sabbath reform, and applies the work to “those who have been called to stand for the right in the midst of apostasy.”

      John the Baptist was one who came “in the spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17), and his message led right to the first advent of Christ. The Elijah message for our day will lead right to the second advent of Christ, and began with William Miller (see Early Writings, p. 233). But obviously he has passed away, and the work has been continued by others.

      So we should not get caught up in “a man,” but simply follow the Spirit of God, as He continues to lead and develop the advent message, through each generation.

      I’m not familiar with everything Mr. Houteff taught, but since his revival was not based firmly on the gospel message from 1888, it did not have the right credentials.

        1. He started his ministry in 1929. Ellen White died in 1915, so there was no possibility of her knowing about him. Some might try to apply Ellen White’s statement about an “Elijah to come” to him, but there is good reason not to do so. I’ll try to post an article in the next few days, that discusses this topic, and will put the link in this reply, when it is ready.

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