This manuscript was written in 1997, the year of Fred Wright’s death. It was unfinished, and ends with a description of events that took place in 1973.
Even so, it covers some important history that took place in the formation of the Sabbath Rest Advent Church, from the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s.
Since there are probably few if any witnesses of those times still alive today, it is important for this history to be preserved, even in its incomplete state. 113p
Nov 2019: Updated with an Appendix: a transcribed audio study from 1983 where Fred rehearses much of the same history, but with some added details.
Dec 2022: Formatting update: new ePDF rules applied.
- My Childhood
- Youth and Marriage
- Conversion
- A New Day
- Separation
- Called to the Work
- The Early Years
- Into America
- The End of the “Awakening”
- An Opening Door in America
- Contacts in America
- Traveling through America
- The Work in Australia Grows
- Divine Appointment
- Appendix: The History of Our Movement
Now here we are in July 2021 and you might be surprised who is still alive from those early years. I know of at least 5 people whose spouses have since died who as couples all knew Fred well and joined the group in 1960s in New Zealand as young believers. They are now in their eighties and early nineties. Then there are the children of these families who are now in their sixties and early seventies and can remember attending the camp meeting held each year. There are also those alive in Australia, Germany and USA who also played a role pre- 1973 and have their own personal story to tell.
Jenny, I recognize your name. In fact, I met a few ladies from New Zealand that came over to a camp in Western Canada (or maybe Western USA), probably in the 1980’s sometime…were you one of them? I joined the movement in the early 1980’s, so am one of the ones “in their sixties”. We weren’t supposed to be here (on this Earth) that long!