Leaves from the Tree of Life

Leaves from the Tree of LifeWaggoner wrote these articles between the years 1897 and 1909, for The Medical Missionary magazine. These articles therefore constitute some of the last known written material from the pen of E. J. Waggoner.

They are significant for a number of reasons. First, they include many articles on the topics of health and healing, which is the “right arm” of the Gospel work. Secondly, there are some rare commentaries on well-known Scriptures such as Psalm 23, 1 Corinthians 13, The Lord’s Prayer, etc., included in the “Daily Bread” section: a series of daily readings for many of the months of 1904.

The work of a Gospel Doctor is clearly displayed in these writings. Waggoner had a wonderful gift from the Lord for revealing the closeness of God’s working in the world of nature, and the application of spiritual Laws in the physical realm. This is particularly apparent in the last chapter of this book, “Spiritual Law in the Natural World.” 357p


    The Full Length Articles

  1. Himself He Cannot Save
  2. The Light and Life of Men
  3. The Spirit of Wine versus the Spirit of God
  4. Thoughts on Health and Healing
  5. Co-Workers with God, part 1
  6. Co-Workers with God, part 2
  7. Present Truth, part 1
  8. Present Truth, part 2
  9. Present Truth, part 3
  10. The Common Life
  11. Healing through Faith, part 1
  12. Healing through Faith, part 2
  13. Healing through Faith, part 3
  14. Eat That Which Is Good
  15. The True Priesthood
  16. Back to Nature
  17. Saving, Not Stoning, Sinners
  18. A Lesson for All Workers
  19. He Bore Our Sicknesses
  20. New Light and New Sight
  21. Looking Forward
  22. Workers Together with God
  23. Preparation for Service
  24. Has God Arbitrarily Limited Man’s Age?
  25. Why the Japanese Succeed
  26. Tired of Life
  27. An Incentive to Thoroughness
  28. My Life Work
  29. The Lord’s Prayer
  30. Is Any Afflicted? Let Him Pray
  31. Our Father
  32. The Holy Name
  33. After Us—What?
  34. Thanks for All Things
  35. Comfort from Adversity
  36. God’s Case in Court
  37. Justification in Condemnation

    The Daily Bread Articles

  1. The Sufficiency of God
  2. Thankfulness and Praise
  3. Our Creator is Our Saviour
  4. Psalm 23, 27, 16 & 17
  5. Psalm 30, 31, 33, 35 & 37
  6. Psalm 20, 116 & 121
  7. The Word of God
  8. Love
  9. Health of Body and Soul
  10. Spiritual Law in the Natural World

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