Fragments, Vol. 4: Money and Work

Money and WorkPractical work and the right management of the production of our labor, are key parts of the gospel, which gives men victory over their selfishness, and gives them the ability to do good works from a pure heart.

This volume gathers together those articles which cover business, labor, time, money, offerings, and the spirit of service as exercised in practical work. That these topics have a critical bearing on the final gospel work is shown by the prominence practical labor had in the life of Jesus, both in the years He spent in the carpenter shop, and in the ministry He carried forward during His 3½ years as the Anointed One.

We are to labor as Jesus labored:

John 14
12 He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Isaiah 58 also speaks of a time when the church will be turned from her vain and useless “works,” to minister the word and power of God, as a practical, living force. The gospel work is to close with the same demonstration of the spirit and work of God that began it, so long ago. 240p

Note: There are too many articles to list here, so I have just listed the main categories that the book is divided into.

Contents (Sections)

  1. Business Principles
  2. Labor Principles
  3. Tithes and Offerings
  4. Time and Money

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