E. J. Waggoner

E. J. WaggonerEllet J. Waggoner (1855-1916) was a minister in the Seventh-day Adventist church. From around 1888 onwards, he spoke and wrote very actively about “the everlasting gospel”, and the practical way to receive “Christ’s righteousness.”

He was not alone in this work. Another man, Alonzo T. Jones, also arose at exactly the same time and in many respects their messages were in harmony, although this was not planned by them. They were believed to have a special message from God to the church, as Ellen White testified:

Testimonies to Ministers, p. 91, 92 (1895):

The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones. This message was to bring more prominently before the world the uplifted Saviour, the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. It presented justification through faith in the Surety; it invited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ, which is made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God.

Many had lost sight of Jesus. They needed to have their eyes directed to His divine person, His merits, and His changeless love for the human family. All power is given into His hands, that He may dispense rich gifts unto men, imparting the priceless gift of His own righteousness to the helpless human agent. This is the message that God commanded to be given to the world. It is the third angel’s message, which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice, and attended with the outpouring of His Spirit in a large measure.

Waggoner was also trained as a doctor, but spent most of his time in the ministry. He worked with A. T. Jones for some years in the field of Religious Liberty, and also ministered in England from 1892 to 1903, editing the British Present Truth magazine. Of his conversion, he wrote:

Many years ago, the writer sat in a tent one dismal, rainy afternoon, where a servant of the Lord was presenting the Gospel of His grace; not a word of the text or texts used, nor of what was said by the speaker, has remained with me, and I have never been conscious of having heard a word; but, in the midst of the discourse an experience came to me that was the turning point in my life. Suddenly a light shone about me, and the tent seemed illumined, as though the sun were shining; I saw Christ crucified for me, and to me was revealed for the first time in my life the fact that God loved me, and that Christ gave Himself for me personally. It was all for me. If I could describe my feelings, they would not be understood by those who have not had a similar experience, and to such no explanation is necessary.

I believed that the Bible is the word of God, penned by holy men who wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and I knew that this light that came to me was a revelation direct from heaven; therefore I knew that in the Bible I should find the message of God’s love for individual sinners, and I resolved that the rest of my life should be devoted to finding it there, and making it plain to others. The light that shone upon me that day from the cross of Christ, has been my guide in all my Bible study; wherever I have turned in the Sacred Book, I have found Christ set forth as the power of God, to the salvation of individuals, and I have never found anything else.

E. J. WaggonerThe message of Waggoner and Jones came to be known as the 1888 Message because it really came to the forefront at the Minneapolis General Conference of 1888. Their message fell into obscurity after their death, but was recovered in the 1950’s. It was the turmoil associated with the rediscovery of that message, and the opposition it faced in the Seventh-day Adventist Church that led to the formation of the Sabbath Rest Advent Church. Since their message is the foundation of ours, it is appropriate to include their writings on this website.

The Fragments Series

This series of books brings together the Periodical Articles of E. J. Waggoner, gathered and organized into topics, each major topic represented by one book. There will be 12 books in total (both for A. T. Jones, and E. J. Waggoner). Update: actually 13 books for Waggoner, as I split the volume on the Law into two parts, the second part devoted entirely to the Sabbath. These will be published here, as they are completed.

The Everlasting Gospel for Children Series

This series of books brings together the Periodical Articles of E. J. Waggoner that were written for Children. They are gathered and organized into topics, each major topic represented by one book. Usually those topics were according to Waggoner’s organization, but occasionally I have grouped articles that were not written as a series, and put them into a suitable topic and titled the book accordingly. There will be 11 books in total. It would have been 12, but one series of articles for children is already included in Waggoner’s book, The Everlasting Gospel, as a separate section at the end of that book. These books will be published here, as they are completed.

The Promises to Israel

The Promises to IsraelThis booklet was taken from the last chapters of a larger work, Prophetic Lights, but is complete in itself. It deals specifically with the promises concerning Israel, the land of promise, and the blessings surrounding the chosen nation.


  1. The Promises to Israel
  2. The First Dominion
  3. The Call of Abraham
  4. The Hope of the Promise
  5. The Rest that Remains
  6. The Throne of David
  7. The True Israel
  8. The Gathering of Israel
  9. The Dominion Restored

Who comprises Israel? How will the promises be fulfilled? How will the throne of David be re-established? These, and other similar questions, are explored and the answers drawn from the Bible are surprising, inspiring, and uplifting. 79p

Updated Nov 2022: New ePDF formatting rules applied, pictures added.


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Prophetic Lights

Prophetic Lights covers the foundational prophecies from the book of Daniel: the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Pagan Rome and Papal Rome; the prophecies dealing with Christ’s first and second coming; the prophecies of Matthew 24; and the promises to Israel, to show how the gospel plan is unfolding in the prophetic events.

A. T. Jones contributed two chapters: “Testimony of the Centuries”, and “The Fall of Babylon”.


  1. Prophecies Concerning the Messiah
  2. The Transfiguration
  3. The Sure Word
  4. Testimony of the Centuries
  5. The Kingdom of Babylon
  6. The Fall of Babylon
  7. Medo-Persia and Greece
  8. Rome
  9. The Papacy
  10. Christ’s Second Coming
  11. The Promises to Israel

This version of Prophetic Lights includes the original illustrations and headings, and as of February 2016 October 2018, the text has been fully reformatted for ease of reading. 315p


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Christ and His Righteousness

This small book is a good place to start if you’ve never read the 1888 message. It is a beautiful and concise presentation of the way of salvation.


  1. What Is Christ to Us?
  2. How Shall We Consider Christ
  3. Is Christ God?
  4. Christ as Creator
  5. Is Christ a Created Being
  6. God Manifest in the Flesh
  7. Important Practical Lessons
  8. Christ the Lawgiver
  9. The Righteousness of God
  10. The Lord Our Righteousness
  11. Acceptance with God
  12. The Victory of Faith
  13. Bond Servants and Freemen
  14. Practical Illustrations of Deliverance from Bondage

This book, and A. T. Jones’ The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection, set forth clearly the Everlasting Gospel that they taught from 1888 onwards. 104p


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The Gospel in Creation

This book shows how the principles and power of the Everlasting Gospel are clearly revealed in the days of creation, as recorded in Genesis.

It directs our wondering gaze to the open pages of God’s created works as the expression of the Gospel, the power of God to save from sin.


  1. The 1st Day: Creation and Redemption
  2. The 2nd Day: “Clouds are the Dust of His Feet.”
  3. The 3rd Day: The Fullness of the Sea
  4. The 4th Day: The Firmament Shows His Handiwork
  5. The 5th Day: Birds, Fishes, and Beasts
  6. The 6th Day: What is Man?
  7. The 7th Day: Resting with the Lord

Those who thoughtfully and prayerfully study the contents of this book will see this other revelation of the Gospel, the one written large in earth, and sea, and sky; a manifestation so alive and vast that it will elevate the beholder to advanced levels of faith and will strengthen the mighty workings of God’s omnipotent power within him. 123p


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The Gospel in the Book of Galatians: A Review

When E. J. Waggoner was first called by God to bring the message of righteousness by faith to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, he found himself opposed by many of the church leaders and ministers, especially concerning his teachings regarding the law and the gospel in the book of Galatians.

The problem was caused because Adventists, who believed and taught that the Ten Commandments were still to be obeyed (including the Sabbath), found themselves faced with some difficult scriptures in the book of Galatians which seemed to say that the Law had passed away. In order to deal with these statements, they developed a (seemingly logical) argument that the Law referred to in Galatians was the Ceremonial Law, not the Moral Law. They sometimes had public debates with Protestant ministers, where they would use these arguments to support their position.

Then along came Waggoner and declared that the Law referred to in Galatians was the Moral Law! Many rashly assumed that Waggoner was “throwing out the Law”. The leader in opposing Waggoner was the then General Conference president, George Butler. Of course, Waggoner was not setting aside the Law, but arguing for a different gospel, one in which the Law, in a certain role, did cease at the new birth. But because many Adventists at that time did not understand the gospel, they misunderstood Waggoner.

This publication is Waggoner’s letter to Butler, giving the reasons and arguments to support his position. It covers the controverted points and reveals how many Adventists were in danger of building on the shaky foundation of the “righteousness which is of the law” (Romans 10:5). 90p


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The Glad Tidings

The Epistle to the Galatians, together with its companion, the Epistle to the Romans, was the source, through the Spirit, of the Reformation of the sixteenth century, the key-note of which was, “The just shall live by faith.”

The Reformation then begun is not yet complete, and the same watchword needs to be sounded now as then. If the people of God will become filled with the truth so vividly set forth in this epistle, both the church and the world will be stirred as profoundly as in the days of Luther.

This book is Waggoner’s more full exposition of the book of Galatians, verse by verse. It is the best treatment of this Epistle since Luther’s famous work, and goes much further as the light of truth shines brighter in our time.

The object of the book of Galatians is to present the true gospel, as opposed to the false one that was being promoted by some teachers in the early church, and yet the error behind their teaching is always a present danger to us today, whenever we lose our connection to Christ. Galatians is preeminently designed to distinguish between real righteousness by faith, and the false righteousness, which puts human works in the place of faith.

Galatians is often misused by some professing Protestants, to denigrate obedience to the law, or to make faith a substitute for obedience. Waggoner meets these arguments and shows that righteousness is, in fact, law-keeping. It is the aim of the gospel to make men “just,” or “righteous,” through the implantation of the life of Christ by faith. Men must “be good” before they can “do good”, and the gospel supplies both. 282p


  1. The True Gospel
  2. Life by the Faith of Christ
  3. The Curse and the Blessing
  4. The Adoption of Sons
  5. The Spirit’s Power over the Flesh
  6. The Glory of the Cross

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Bible Studies in Romans

Bible Studies in RomansWaggoner loved to dwell on the promises and clear teachings of salvation contained in books like Romans and Galatians.

But Waggoner’s view of the gospel contained in these books was distinctly Adventist. He saw not only forgiveness, but cleansing power. And because he was an Adventist, he saw an end of the gospel work, in the finishing of the work of sanctification for those believers who lived to see Christ come in the clouds.

Unlike the Protestants of his day, he did not set aside the Law nor seek to excuse disobedience. But he understood that the Law in the form of stony tablets, had a certain role, to convict of sin and bring the sinner to Christ. After Christ was formed within, the believer had a heart in harmony with the principles of the Law, and did not need to continually struggle and fail over the same temptations. Christ’s yoke is “easy” and His burden is “light.”

It was with these ideas that Waggoner wrote out his views on Romans which are contained in this book. 205p


  1. Romans 1: Man’s Need of the Gospel
  2. Romans 2: Genuine Righteousness
  3. Romans 3:1-24: The Law and the Gospel
  4. Romans 3:19-31: Justification
  5. Romans 4:1-15: Illustrated by Abraham
  6. Romans 4 (continued): The Promise
  7. Romans 5:1-5: The Fruit of Faith
  8. Romans 5:6-9: The Unspeakable Gift
  9. Romans 5:10-21: The Law and Grace
  10. Romans 6: Connected with Christ
  11. Romans 7: Deliverance from Bondage
  12. Romans 8:1-16: The Evidences of Faith
  13. Romans 8:17-31: The Glory of His Grace
  14. Romans 8:28-39: Fullness of Blessing
  15. Romans 13:1-8: Relating to Authorities
  16. A Review: The Everlasting Gospel

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Sunday – The Origin of Its Observance in the Christian Church

Sunday - The Origin of Its Observance in the Christian ChurchCatholics, historically, have no problem with Sunday being a replacement for the Biblical Sabbath. “The Church changed the day,” they say, and that settles it for them.

Protestants, on the other hand, who claim to believe in Sola Scriptura (The Bible and the Bible only), must either admit that the seventh-day Sabbath is God’s designated time for rest and worship, or find a Bible reason for the change.

Some resort to throwing out the whole Law entirely. “We are not ‘under the Law’!”, they exclaim. This does not really solve the matter, as Jesus’ kingdom is one of righteousness, and how can righteousness be established by throwing out the standard of righteousness?

One other popular explanation is to say that the Apostles, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, changed the day to Sunday. They would have us believe that the change happened right away in the early Church, and was consistently followed thereafter. It is this excuse that this book was designed to deal with.

Waggoner digs into the historical records, using sources written by Sunday-keepers, to show that the change from Sabbath to Sunday was slow and gradual, and was facilitated by the Church’s increasing adoption of paganism: pagan philosophy, pagan ideas, pagan rites and ceremonies.


  1. Introductory
  2. Antiquity, Universality, and Nature of Sun Worship
  3. Apostasy from Jehovah Worship to Sun Worship
  4. Apostasy Leads to Sabbath Desecration
  5. Heathen Influences in the Church
  6. The Eclectic Philosophy
  7. Neo-Platonism
  8. Origen’s Part in Paganizing the Church
  9. Results of the Philosophical Handling of the Bible
  10. The Church Completely Paganized
  11. Pagan Response to the Church’s Advances
  12. Constantine
  13. Constantine, the Church and Sunday

For those who have never studied this history, the book provides a good overview of the forces that were at work to cause this “breach” in the Law. 104p


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The Divinity of Christ

The Divinity of ChristHere is a series of four articles on the divinity of Christ, which Waggoner originally published in church periodicals, but which I have put together into one booklet, so they are more accessible.


  1. The Testimony of the Word
  2. The Testimony of Christ’s Works
  3. Christ as Lawgiver
  4. Lawgiver and Redeemer

It is the divinity of Christ that:

  1. Exalts the Father’s love (for the Father gave not just a created being, but one of himself for us);
  2. Upholds the sacredness of God’s law (transgression of the law required the death of one who was equal to God);
  3. Shows the awful nature of sin (only one equal with God could pay the price); and
  4. Reveals the awesome heights to which redeemed sinners will be lifted by partaking of Christ’s divine seed (to sit with Him in His throne, and hold open communion with the Father himself).

For these reasons, it is good to remind ourselves of the Scriptural evidences for Christ’s divinity, which are laid out in this booklet. 28p


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The Honor Due to God

The Honor Due to GodOriginally released in 1889, as part of the “Bible Students’ Library”, this treatise covers the topic of Tithes and Offerings.

The subject of “tithes and offerings” was also the theme of the Adult Sabbbath School Lessons for the third quarter of 1889, so this booklet may have been released as an aid to, or as a result of, those studies.


  1. The Honor Due to God
  2. A New Covenant Ordinance
  3. What the Tithe Is
  4. Offerings
  5. God’s Promises
  6. Looking Beyond the Temporal
  7. Systematic Giving
  8. Wholehearted Consecration

It explains the details of Tithes and Offerings, as well as the privileges and promises associated with generosity and cultivation of a spirit of self-sacrifice. 67p


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A Witness to All Nations

A Witness to All NationsThis series of articles appeared in The Present Truth, in the fall of 1903, and was the last larger written work by Waggoner. He continued writing health and devotional articles for The Medical Missionary magazine until 1909, but apparently not at such length, nor on this theme.

The theme of this work is the Three Angel’s Messages of Revelation 14. It starts with explaining the “everlasting gospel” and progresses through the judgment, the beast and his image, and the fall of Babylon.

It is, as expected, a wonderful blend of gospel, prophecy, and law, with many precious insights into the spiritual nature and meaning of the prophetic word. 53p


  1. The Everlasting Gospel
  2. The Hour of Judgment
  3. The Judgment of the Wicked
  4. Babylon is Fallen
  5. The Beast and His Mark
  6. Worshiping the Beast

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Baptism: Its Significance

Baptism: Its SignificanceBaptism is one of the two services instituted by Jesus (the other being the Lord’s Supper).

This small work explores Baptism: it’s meaning, when to do it, what it symbolizes, the mode, but especially does it dwell on the spiritual experience.

It’s a very nice summary for anyone who is contemplating baptism, or would like to know more about it. 13p


  1. Joined to Christ and the Church
  2. When Should it be Done?
  3. Sharing His Death and Resurrection
  4. The Steps in Conversion
  5. Trading the Old Life for the New
  6. How to Submit
  7. An Exchange of Life
  8. Living by Faith
  9. The Age for Baptism
  10. The Mode of Baptism

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The Return of Christ

The Return of ChristProphetic evidences concerning the second advent of Jesus Christ, and some of the events surrounding that glorious day, are explored in this short book.

As well, a number of chapters are devoted to showing what the Bible actually teaches about the destruction of the wicked. There are many misconceptions in the world today which darken God’s character. These misconceptions are removed. Sin is the destroyer; God is the restorer. All that hate Him, love death.

The return of Christ to “receive His own,” is the bright hope of every believing soul. Let us take time to meditate on this great event for a while, and turn our eyes away from the darkness and distress in the world. 88p


  1. The Promise of His Coming
  2. Manner of Christ’s Coming
  3. Object of Christ’s Coming
  4. The Resurrection – I
  5. The Resurrection – II
  6. Eternal Life
  7. Immortality
  8. The Mission of Christ
  9. Everlasting Fire
  10. Everlasting Punishment
  11. Punishment of the Wicked: Forever and Ever
  12. Punishment of the Wicked: Direct Testimony
  13. Safety in the Time of Trouble

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The Rock and the Keys

The Rock and the KeysThis small work discusses Matthew 16:15-19, where Jesus told Peter that “upon this rock will I build my church,” and then said that He would give him the “keys of the kingdom”.

The Roman Catholic church uses these verses to support her claim that Peter was the rock, and the one who had the “keys” and therefore was the first in the line of popes in the church.

This booklet puts those claims to the test of “the Bible and the Bible only” and then goes on to explain what those verses actually mean. 12p


  1. Who is the Rock?
  2. How to Build on the Rock
  3. We are Living Stones
  4. The Gates of Hell
  5. What are the Keys?
  6. Binding and Loosing
  7. What about Peter?

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The Law and the Gospel

The Law and the GospelThis collection of various series’ of articles from E. J. Waggoner are on the theme of Law and the Gospel. Formerly titled, “Under the Law,” this book has doubled in size, with the addition of a few more series of articles that fit with the theme.

The articles were all written to show the essential role of the Law in the work of the Gospel, and to explain those texts most commonly misused to war against obedience to the law, supposedly in the name of grace.

Phrases such as “under the law,” and “works of the law” are used by many modern Christians to excuse themselves from rendering strict obedience to the Law of God. Especially do they wish to avoid the Sabbath commandment, and so, discarding the whole law is an easy way to accomplish that.

But Waggoner shows in these dissertations, that such a view is contrary to the real meaning of Scripture, and that such a false view ends up throwing away the ministry of the Law as a God-given agency to lead to the knowledge of sin, repentance, and salvation. By discarding the Law, men are discarding Salvation also, whether they realize it or not. 357p

Christ: The End of the Law

  1. An Important Question
  2. Nature of the Law
  3. Condemned and Justified
  4. A New Creature in Christ
  5. Christ the End of the Law
  6. All Things Through Christ
  7. Relation of the Law and Grace

Under the Law (1884)

  1. Righteousness and Grace
  2. Righteousness is Obedience
  3. The Role of the Law
  4. The Law and Christ

The Law and the Gospel

  1. What the Gospel Teaches
  2. The Law and the Gospel Coextensive
  3. Nature of the Law
  4. Jurisdiction of the Law
  5. Perpetuity of the Law
  6. The Foundation of God’s Government
  7. Doers of the Law
  8. Justified by Faith
  9. Justification and Sanctification
  10. Christ the End of the Law
  11. Abolishing the Enmity
  12. The Handwriting of Ordinances
  13. The Law and the Gospel
  14. Exposition of 2 Corinthians 3:7-11
  15. What Condemns Me?
  16. The Relation of the World to God
  17. Lawful Use of the Law

Under the Law (1886)

  1. Definitions
  2. Life or Death
  3. The Galatian Problem
  4. Old and New Covenant
  5. In the Law

Brief Comments on Romans 7

  1. The Role of the Law
  2. The Struggle and the Deliverance

Comments on Galatians 3

  1. No Justification by the Law
  2. The Curse of the Law
  3. The Purpose of the Law
  4. The Coming of the Seed
  5. The Time of the Inheritance
  6. The Work of the Schoolmaster Finished
  7. In the Hand of the Mediator
  8. Kept Under the Law
  9. Redeemed from the Curse
  10. Bondage and Freedom

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SpiritualismSpiritualism is the belief that people have immortality in them and therefore live on after death, and can therefore be communicated with, or invoked. It was a foundation in heathen religions, and finds it’s way into various forms of Christianity through the doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul.

This book traces the connection between the immortality of the soul, self-exaltation, and the decay into immorality. There are sections dealing with the rise of spiritualism (in Waggoner’s day, which now finds more popular acceptance in teachings such as “New Age”), sections on Protestantism and Spiritualism, and sections on Catholicism.

Certainly since this book was written (1888), Spiritualism has made huge strides into the so-called Christian churches through Pentecostalism. But as always, the doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul lays the foundation for this, as Waggoner carefully points out in this important study. 109p


  1. The Spirit of Antichrist
  2. Natural Immortality
  3. The Cause of Sin
  4. The Source of Idolatry
  5. Miracles
  6. The Spirits of Devils
  7. Using Good Works to Deceive
  8. Christian Spiritualism
  9. Communication with the Dead
  10. Preparing the Way
  11. Calling Evil Good
  12. Imitating the Second Advent
  13. Purgatory and Indulgences
  14. Mariolatry
  15. Mary in the Place of Christ
  16. Encouraging Wickedness
  17. Let Them Laugh

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The Law of Life

The Law of LifeFrom Sinai came lightnings, thunderings, and the threat of death. From the Rock that Moses spoke to came the water of life. These are the two ministrations that God gives, through His Law, to remedy man’s sinful condition. They work in perfect harmony.

The Law of Ten Commandments and the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, both represent God’s perfect righteousness: one applied to convict, the other applied to heal.

These precious studies open up some of the exceeding broadness of the Law. The Spirit uses the Law to search the deep things of the heart. By the law comes the knowledge of sin. And then through Christ, a life that is in harmony with those precepts is offered, so that the commands come to us as promises.

These are some of the most practical writings Waggoner ever produced. Highly recommended. 161p


  1. The First Commandment
  2. The Second Commandment
  3. The Third Commandment
  4. The Fourth Commandment
  5. The Fifth Commandment
  6. The Sixth Commandment
  7. The Seventh Commandment
  8. The Eighth Commandment
  9. The Ninth Commandment
  10. The Tenth Commandment
  11. The Law of the Spirit of Life

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The Lord’s Day

The Lord's DayJohn was in the Spirit on “the Lord’s Day” when he was given the visions that comprise the book of Revelation. Sunday-keeping Christians have seized on this phrase to support the idea that the apostolic church kept Sunday instead of the Sabbath, in honor of Christ’s resurrection.

In this collection of articles, Waggoner investigates the arguments used to support Sunday-keeping, and brings them to the test of “the Bible and the Bible only.” He also uses Scripture to define exactly which day is the “Lord’s day.”

These were originally published in Signs of the Times magazine, from 1883 to 1884. The first two are independent articles, and the last six are part of a series. But they are all on the same theme, so I have put them all together. 52p


  1. An Authoritative Statement
  2. Reasons for Not Observing Saturday
  3. The Early Church Customs
  4. Which Lord?
  5. Which Day?
  6. The Example of Jesus Christ
  7. In the New Testament
  8. The First Day of the Week

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The Everlasting Gospel

The Everlasting Gospel“Worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” This command, part of the everlasting gospel message of Revelation 14:6-7, points to God’s power as revealed in the creation. This book (subtitled: “God’s Saving Power in the Things That Are Made”) delves into that topic, showing that the same power of God which is all around us every day, is available to work in us, to remove sin and keep us from sinning.

Waggoner wrote on the same topic many years prior to these studies, in a book called “The Gospel in Creation” (published in 1893). These presentations are more mature and developed than that earlier publication.

The articles were all taken from the 1898 Present Truth magazine, which Waggoner published in England. There are 27 studies on the main topic, but along with these were other studies included in the same issues of each magazine, which were related. I have included these 47 articles in a section called “Related Articles,” after the main theme (these are not shown in the Contents listing below, but are included in the Contents pages of the book itself). On top of that, there were also 27 Children’s articles that ran parallel to the main theme, and I have included these in a section titled, “For the Children.”

There are hyperlinks at the end of each article, referencing the “Related Articles,” and “Children’s Articles.” About 100 historic Bible images were added throughout. 567p


  1. Why Was the Creation Story Written?
  2. The Beginning
  3. Power and Wisdom
  4. Power and Mercy
  5. The Spirit’s Work
  6. The Power That Draws
  7. The Light
  8. The Light of Life
  9. Clouds and Rain
  10. Rain and Righteousness
  11. The River of Life
  12. The Air
  13. The Seas
  14. Sowing the Seed
  15. The Seed Quickened
  16. All Flesh Is Grass
  17. The Power of Growth
  18. Intelligent Action in Plants
  19. The Glory of the Heavens
  20. The Animal Creation
  21. The Dust of the Earth
  22. Man’s Dominion
  23. Food Out of the Earth
  24. His Commandment is Life Everlasting
  25. God’s Rest
  26. The Beauty of the Lord
  27. The Fullness of God

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Leaves from the Tree of Life

Leaves from the Tree of LifeWaggoner wrote these articles between the years 1897 and 1909, for The Medical Missionary magazine. These articles therefore constitute some of the last known written material from the pen of E. J. Waggoner.

They are significant for a number of reasons. First, they include many articles on the topics of health and healing, which is the “right arm” of the Gospel work. Secondly, there are some rare commentaries on well-known Scriptures such as Psalm 23, 1 Corinthians 13, The Lord’s Prayer, etc., included in the “Daily Bread” section: a series of daily readings for many of the months of 1904.

The work of a Gospel Doctor is clearly displayed in these writings. Waggoner had a wonderful gift from the Lord for revealing the closeness of God’s working in the world of nature, and the application of spiritual Laws in the physical realm. This is particularly apparent in the last chapter of this book, “Spiritual Law in the Natural World.” 357p


    The Full Length Articles

  1. Himself He Cannot Save
  2. The Light and Life of Men
  3. The Spirit of Wine versus the Spirit of God
  4. Thoughts on Health and Healing
  5. Co-Workers with God, part 1
  6. Co-Workers with God, part 2
  7. Present Truth, part 1
  8. Present Truth, part 2
  9. Present Truth, part 3
  10. The Common Life
  11. Healing through Faith, part 1
  12. Healing through Faith, part 2
  13. Healing through Faith, part 3
  14. Eat That Which Is Good
  15. The True Priesthood
  16. Back to Nature
  17. Saving, Not Stoning, Sinners
  18. A Lesson for All Workers
  19. He Bore Our Sicknesses
  20. New Light and New Sight
  21. Looking Forward
  22. Workers Together with God
  23. Preparation for Service
  24. Has God Arbitrarily Limited Man’s Age?
  25. Why the Japanese Succeed
  26. Tired of Life
  27. An Incentive to Thoroughness
  28. My Life Work
  29. The Lord’s Prayer
  30. Is Any Afflicted? Let Him Pray
  31. Our Father
  32. The Holy Name
  33. After Us—What?
  34. Thanks for All Things
  35. Comfort from Adversity
  36. God’s Case in Court
  37. Justification in Condemnation

    The Daily Bread Articles

  1. The Sufficiency of God
  2. Thankfulness and Praise
  3. Our Creator is Our Saviour
  4. Psalm 23, 27, 16 & 17
  5. Psalm 30, 31, 33, 35 & 37
  6. Psalm 20, 116 & 121
  7. The Word of God
  8. Love
  9. Health of Body and Soul
  10. Spiritual Law in the Natural World

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Christ and Antichrist

Christ and AntichristThis collection of articles unfolds the contrast between the spirit of Christ and the Anti-christian spirit.

Primarily it deals with the spirit of self and self-exaltation that manifests itself in sinful men, and how Christ intends to plant in man the original spirit of self-abnegation. Anything that opposes Christ’s work to restore in man His own image, is of the spirit of Antichrist, even the unbelief that leads to excuses for sin, or lack of faith in Christ’s power and ability to save from all sin.

Waggoner also deals with the manifestation of both spirits within church relations, and also historically, in the development of the Papacy. It is a good companion booklet to “Self-Exaltation or Self-Renunciation” by A. T. Jones. 86p


  1. Christ and Antichrist
  2. Confessing Christ in the Flesh
  3. Restoring the Erring
  4. The Church: True and False
  5. True and False Spirits
  6. The Spirit of Antichrist
  7. A Present Salvation

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Christ Our Life

Christ Our LifeThis collection of articles from E. J. Waggoner span about 10 years, but are all united in the common theme of Christ as our life.

Since the fall, every human is born into the world with a corrupt spiritual nature: the carnal mind. This nature is under the condemnation of the law, because it is sinful. From this nature flow all the sinful and selfish acts which appear in the life. Any person with this nature in them is considered “dead” in the sight of heaven. Every “good deed” performed while this nature is within is polluted with self and unacceptable to God.

It is for this reason that Christ married himself into humanity, in order to bring a new spiritual life to man. When the old nature is exchanged for this new life, all the power and victory that Christ developed warring against sin in His life on earth, is inherited by the recipient. When he has the life of Christ, he has the victory of Christ; he is enabled to follow Christ in thought and action, and has the qualification to enter heaven, after the resurrection of the body.

In these articles, Waggoner dwells upon the richness of this Bible truth, and some of the beautiful consequences that flow from it. 166p


  1. Life in Christ
  2. The Unconquerable Life
  3. The Life of the Word
  4. Saved by His Life
  5. Life from the Word
  6. Light and Life
  7. Christ the Bread of Life
  8. Christ the Water of Life
  9. The Life and the Law
  10. Christ the Life-Giver
  11. The Power of the Resurrection
  12. A Godly Life
  13. Our Life
  14. Love and Life from God
  15. Celebrating Christ’s Birth
  16. Reproving the Works of Darkness
  17. Dying and Living
  18. Seeing the Life
  19. The Life
  20. The Word of God
  21. The Word of Life and Light
  22. The All-Sufficient Life
  23. By What Life?
  24. Seeing Life
  25. The Manifestation of the Life
  26. Being the Truth
  27. Christian Privileges
  28. Incorruptible Seed

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The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord's PrayerHere is a collection of articles on the topic of prayer. The first part of the book is devoted to expositions of the Lord’s prayer, and the last part of the book to prayer in general.

Waggoner explores some of the deeper thoughts in the simple phrases that constitute the masterpiece example of prayer which Jesus gave.

He also explains what prayer is, and what it is not, puts away many of the misconceptions and heathen ideas surrounding prayer, and answers many questions that even folks who have been Christians for many years may still have. 357p


    The Lord’s Prayer

  1. Introduction
  2. The Lord’s Prayer
  3. Our Father (1887)
  4. Our Father (1905)
  5. Our Father, in Heaven
  6. In Heaven
  7. Our Father (1905)
  8. The Holy Name
  9. Your Kingdom Come (1887)
  10. Your Kingdom Come (1893)
  11. Your Kingdom Come (1895)
  12. Your Will Be Done (1887)
  13. Your Will Be Done (1902)
  14. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
  15. Our Daily Bread (1900)
  16. Our Daily Bread (1903)
  17. Praying for Daily Bread
  18. Forgive Us Our Debts (1887)
  19. Forgive Us Our Debts (1896)
  20. The Debt Forgiven
  21. Lead Us Not Into Temptation
  22. The Doxology
  23. Yours is the Kingdom (1896)
  24. The Power and the Glory
  25. Yours is the Kingdom (1902)
  26. The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory
  27. The Amen

    Prayer in General

  1. No “Perhaps”
  2. Praying in Public
  3. Prayer that Prevails
  4. Prevailing Prayer
  5. Praying to One’s Self
  6. Giving Thanks
  7. Keep Watch
  8. Exhaustless Stores of Mercy
  9. Asking Amiss
  10. Prayer
  11. Spiritual Power
  12. Asking in His Name
  13. According to His Will
  14. Requests with Thanksgiving
  15. Asking and Receiving (1893)
  16. Wrestling
  17. Speedy Deliverance
  18. Visible Prayers
  19. Paganism in Prayers
  20. The Turning Point
  21. Thanksgiving
  22. Having Our Way
  23. Boldness to Enter In
  24. Wonderful Assurance
  25. The Altar
  26. Talking with a Friend
  27. Near at Hand
  28. The Great Gift
  29. Our Teacher
  30. God’s Care
  31. A Personal Message to You
  32. Tell the Lord About It
  33. Elements of Faith
  34. Answering Prayers
  35. The Sinner
  36. Knocking
  37. Praying for Wisdom
  38. Asking and Receiving (1895)
  39. True Prayer
  40. Praying to Be Excused
  41. A Father’s Prayers
  42. Good Things
  43. Secret Prayer
  44. The Prayer of Faith (1896)
  45. Out of the Depths
  46. Concerning Prayer
  47. The Prayer of Faith (1897)
  48. The Motive
  49. How to Pray
  50. Daniel’s Prayer
  51. Power with God
  52. Power Over Lions
  53. In the Name of Jesus
  54. Precepts and Promises
  55. Fearlessness from Prayer
  56. When to Pray
  57. Vain Repetitions
  58. Muscular Christianity
  59. The True Prayer-Book
  60. The Kingdom Within
  61. The Hermannsburg Mission
  62. The Place of Communion with God
  63. He That Asks, Receives
  64. We Have an Advocate
  65. Prayer and Doubt
  66. Meditation
  67. Not My Will, But Yours, Be Done
  68. Wrestling, But Not With God
  69. Christ’s Prayers and Tears
  70. Christ’s Prayer for His Disciples
  71. Is Any Afflicted? Let Him Pray

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The Miracles of Jesus

The Miracles of JesusThe miracles of Jesus are not just interesting stories. They were written for a reason:

John 20
30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:
31 But these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you might have life through His name.

If you have not read the miracles of Jesus with this aim in view, to understand how you can be healed by the same power, and “have life through His name,” then you have never really studied them at all!

In the articles that comprise this book, “we” are the blind man, the leper, and the cripple. Will we believe Jesus’ word, and be delivered? 190p


  1. The Miracles of Jesus
  2. The Cleansing Touch and Word
  3. Righteousness and Life
  4. Sight for the Blind
  5. Coming to the Master
  6. Christ the Liberator
  7. Christ the Bread of Life
  8. The Power of Forgiveness
  9. He Calls You
  10. Better than Miracles
  11. Willing and Able
  12. The Healing Touch
  13. The Ten Lepers
  14. The Vine and Its Fruit
  15. Reason and Faith
  16. Miracles and the Gospel
  17. The Hem of His Garment
  18. A Lesson from Real Life
  19. The Malady of Sin
  20. Some Sabbath Miracles
  21. The Light of the World
  22. Changing the Water into Wine
  23. The Power That Saves
  24. The Power to Forgive
  25. Being Made Whole
  26. The Light and the Life of Men
  27. The Miracle of the Harvest
  28. The Daughter of Jairus Raised
  29. The Centurion’s Servant Healed
  30. Every Whit Whole
  31. Sight for the Blind
  32. Sight and Riches for Blind Beggars
  33. What is a Miracle?
  34. Miracles and the Laws of Nature

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Gleanings from the Psalms

Gleanings from the PsalmsHere is a major new collection of devotional and instructive comments on the Psalms: sometimes just a verse or two, sometimes the entire Psalm.

These are all taken from Waggoner’s periodical articles contained in The Present Truth (UK), The Signs of the Times, and Medical Missionary magazines, and this is the first time they have been gathered into one collection.

There are 211 articles in this collection, so I will not include a Contents listing, as it would be too long. Suffice it to say that this material is deeply spiritual, full of faith, and yet it is a mere scratch in the surface of the infinite depth and breadth of God’s truth as revealed in Jesus Christ. 646p


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Reflections on Proverbs

Reflections on ProverbsThe essence of the wisdom which Solomon received from Jesus Christ is contained in the book of Proverbs. While sorting E. J. Waggoner’s articles on gospel-related themes, I realized that there were enough articles based on verses from Proverbs to make a small book, which is here presented. 136p

Waggoner writes:

One of the best books for any man to study, is the book of Proverbs. It was writen by the wisest man that ever lived, and its purpose is…

Proverbs 1
4 To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.

The word “simple,” is the same as in:

Proverbs 14
15 The simple believes every word; but the prudent man looks well to his going.

Its root idea is that of open-mouthed credulity. This book, if heeded, will make such a silly person cautious and prudent, shrewd, and one who cannot be deceived. No mater how credulous and easily deceived and led astray one may be, the book of Proverbs will make him wise.

Then read the book; study it; become permeated with its teachings, and you will know how to deal wisely in every condition of life.


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The Great Falling Away

The Great Falling AwayHow did the early Church turn into an anti-Christian, persecuting power? What steps and departures from Gospel principles led to the rise of what the apostle Paul described as the “man of sin”?

These collected Articles explore the history, teachings, and growth of the principle of self-exaltation which covered itself with the name of Christ during the past 2000 years of human history, and how this power is gathering strength again for the final battle between the kingdom of light and darkness. 734p

The following list of Contents contains only the Sections under which the articles are organized (the actual list of Articles would be too long):


  1. Introduction
  2. The Bible
  3. The Commandments
  4. The Gospel
  5. History
  6. Self-Exaltation
  7. Heathen Rites and Ceremonies
  8. Mary and the Saints
  9. Priestcraft
  10. Monastic Orders
  11. Mingling of Church and State
  12. Stealthy but Rapid Progress

This is a companion volume to a similar collection by A. T. Jones, The Light Shines in Darkness. Another book by Waggoner that is also related to this theme is: Fathers of the Catholic Church.


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Studies in the Gospel of John

Studies in the Gospel of JohnOriginally written as a series of Articles on the Gospel of John, in the Present Truth periodical magazine from 1898-1899, these have been collected into this book.

John’s Gospel is uniquely different from the other three gospels, and especially emphasizes Jesus’ divinity, and His close connection with the Father, and with His body, the Church.

As such, it provides a rich field from which to draw the truths of the everlasting Gospel plan, as revealed in the condescension of Christ, His sacrifice, and the plan for His glory to be revealed in the church. Waggoner draws a close parallel between what Jesus did, and what He wants to do again through His church. 263p


  1. Christ the Beginning
  2. Follow Me
  3. Revealing the Glory
  4. The New Birth
  5. Jesus and Nicodemus: A New Man
  6. The Water of Life
  7. A Drink of Good Water
  8. Healing the Nobleman’s Son
  9. Man’s Rightful Authority
  10. Christian Giving
  11. The Bread of Life
  12. Christ the Bread of Life
  13. Living by the Father
  14. The Test of Truth
  15. How Not to Believe
  16. The Good Shepherd
  17. Saved and Kept
  18. The Glory of God
  19. The Anointing at Bethany
  20. We Would See Jesus
  21. Jesus Teaching Humility
  22. Words of Comfort
  23. The Comforter
  24. The Vine and the Branches
  25. The Wondrous Name / Christ Betrayed
  26. Denying the Lord
  27. The King Before the Judgment Bar
  28. A Finished Work
  29. Christ Risen

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All About Jesus, Volume 1

All About Jesus, Volume 1Here, collected for the first time ever, are the articles by E. J. Waggoner on the Gospel story: the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, Son of man and Son of God.

This is Volume 1, covering from the prologue in John’s gospel, through Christ’s early life and beginning ministry, and continuing up to the close of the Galilean ministry. Volume 2 covers the closing ministry, Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection.

All the articles have been grouped by section, and then ordered by time within each section. Timeline charts and diagrams (from the 2005 Missionary Seminar) are included at the beginning of each section.

This collection will provide an excellent resource for a deeper study of the life and principles of the Saviour. The importance of such a study should be self-evident, as the last generation, who see Christ come in the clouds of glory, “follow the Lamb withersoever He goes.” Revelation 14:4. How can they follow Him if they do not know Him? 1154p

Contents (Sections)

  1. Prologue
  2. His Birth and Early Years
  3. Preparation
  4. Early Ministry
  5. Judean Ministry
  6. Early Galilean Ministry
  7. The Sermon on the Mount
  8. Middle and Closing Galilean Ministry


All About Jesus, Volume 2

All About Jesus, Volume 2Here, collected for the first time ever, are the articles by E. J. Waggoner on the Gospel story: the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, Son of man and Son of God. This is the second and final volume in this series.

Volume 2 covers the last year of Christ’s ministry, starting with the Retirement phase, the Perean ministry, the last week in Jerusalem, and finally, Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection.

All the articles have been grouped by section, and then ordered by time within each section. Timeline charts and diagrams (from the 2005 Missionary Seminar) are included at the beginning of each section.

This collection provides an excellent resource for a deeper study of the life and principles of the Saviour. The importance of such a study should be self-evident, as the last generation, who see Christ come in the clouds of glory, “follow the Lamb withersoever He goes.” Revelation 14:4. How can they follow Him if they do not know Him? 1510p

Contents (Sections)

  1. Retirement
  2. At the Feast of Tabernacles
  3. The Perean Ministry
  4. Closing Ministry of Jesus at Jerusalem
  5. The Olivet Discourse
  6. The Lord’s Supper and Gethsemane
  7. The Betrayal, Trial, and Crucifixion
  8. The Resurrection and Ascension
  9. Overview and Reflections


The Call of Abraham

The Call of AbrahamAfter the flood, Abraham emerged as the archetype of the chosen, the example of righteousness by faith, and the father of all the faithful.

His experience encapsulates the gospel, which is why the apostle Paul uses the example of Abraham in his epistles to the Romans and the Galatians, to nail down the principles of the gospel.

Abraham is also looked at as the father of the Jewish race. However, he was called from among Gentiles, and although he had many children, only one son,–Isaac (conceived and born by the promise and power of God),–inherited the spiritual blessings and promises. These facts show that the true children of Abraham are those born of the Spirit, and not those born of the flesh.

Abraham was also a missionary, spreading the knowledge of God by his life, and by the erection of the altars for the worship of Jehovah, which he built wherever he traveled.

Finally, he was a pilgrim and stranger in this old Earth. He did not build up a worldly kingdom, and did not look to the civil power to establish God’s promises.

These articles, written by E. J. Waggoner from 1887 to 1903, are all on the theme of Abraham and his life, and the gospel lessons contained therein. The first half of the book follows the main events of Abraham’s life, chronologically. The last half contains articles that dwell more on the themes of “Jew and Gentile,” and “The Promised Land.” 150p

This is a good companion book to Jews and Gentiles by A. T. Jones.


  1. The Call of Abraham
  2. The Blessing of Abraham
  3. Hearing Abraham’s Gospel
  4. God Our Defender
  5. Lot’s Choice
  6. A Lesson in Unselfishness / Abram and Lot
  7. Pitched toward Sodom
  8. The Rest That Remains
  9. Our Reward
  10. God’s Promise to Abraham
  11. The Promise and the Darkness
  12. The True Israel
  13. The Revealer of Secret Things
  14. A Friend of God
  15. The Test of Faith
  16. Thought and Deed
  17. Hope of the Promise
  18. Did Abraham Think God Would Provide a Lamb?
  19. The Fear of God
  20. We Have Abraham to Our Father
  21. The Gospel to the Gentiles
  22. Pilgrims and Strangers
  23. Jews and Israelites
  24. The Jews and Palestine
  25. The Twelve Tribes of Israel
  26. Are the British People the Heirs of the World?
  27. The Heavenly Canaan
  28. The City of the Living God
  29. The Real Land of Promise
  30. Come With Us

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The Everlasting Covenant

The Everlasting CovenantSome of the thoughts contained in this book were presented by E. J. Waggoner at the famous 1888 General Conference sessions, and were shortly afterward incorporated into the Sabbath School Lessons for 1889-1890, and into the 1889 edition of Bible Readings for the Home.

The Sabbath School Lessons met with immediate opposition from some of the leaders, although Ellen White affirmed that the “evidences in regard to the covenants were clear and convincing.” This did not solve it for the disaffected brethren.

Later, around 1895, the light grew, and Waggoner wrote a larger work on this theme, but it was turned down by the Book Committee of the Adventist Church in America, mainly due to the prejudices of some men there against the light.

So he published the chapters as articles in the Present Truth periodical magazine in England, of which he was the editor. Then later, in 1900, the book was finally published, not in America, but in England, by the International Tract Society, an printing business owned by Adventists. It was never published in America.

This book represents a milestone in Adventist thought, and takes its place quite well alongside such classic Adventist works as The Great Controversy (by Ellen White). It’s poor distribution shows the opposition that many had towards the precious Gospel message brought by Elder Waggoner.

The book itself, traces the Gospel through the Old Testament, dwelling on the covenant made with Abraham, and its development among his descendants, especially in the time of the settlement into Canaan. It shows that God’s plan has ever been the same; that there is one unifying “everlasting gospel” in the Old and New Testaments, and it is only the unbelief of His people that has robbed the world of the revelation of the glory of the character of God through Christ, throughout the ages. 595p


  1. The Gospel Message
  2. The Promise to Abraham
  3. Building an Altar
  4. Making a Covenant
  5. The Flesh Against the Spirit
  6. The Covenant Sealed
  7. The Test of Faith
  8. The Promise and the Oath
  9. The Promise of Victory
  10. Strangers and Pilgrims
  11. Israel: A Prince of God
  12. Israel in Egypt
  13. The Time of the Promise
  14. The Reproach of Christ
  15. Giving the Commission
  16. Preaching the Gospel in Egypt
  17. Saved by the Life
  18. The Final Deliverance
  19. The Song of Deliverance
  20. Bread from Heaven
  21. Eating the Flesh of Christ
  22. Water from the Rock: Living Water
  23. The Real Presence
  24. The Entering of the Law
  25. The Law Not Against the Promise
  26. Calvary Revealed at Sinai
  27. Mount Sinai and Mount Zion
  28. The Covenants of Promise
  29. The Veil and the Shadow
  30. Two Laws
  31. The Sanctuary of God
  32. Entering the Promised Land
  33. Vain Glory and Defeat
  34. Israel a Missionary People
  35. The Promised Rest
  36. Another Day
  37. Again in Captivity
  38. Bondage Preferred to Freedom
  39. The Time of the Promise at Hand
  40. The Lost Tribes of Israel
  41. One Fold and One Shepherd
  42. The Everlasting Covenant Complete
  43. Appendix A: Original Advertisement
  44. Appendix B: Original Graphic Advertisement
  45. Appendix C: History of “The Everlasting Covenant”
  46. Appendix D: Obituary and Family Biography

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Fathers of the Catholic Church

Fathers of the Catholic ChurchThis is the historical story of how Satan infiltrated the early church and made her the representative of his philosophy and ideas.

It covers the slow and gradual process whereby the practices of heathenism, which is the natural religion of fallen human nature, were adopted into the Christian church. The religious teachers who carried the church into this darkness and apostasy were schooled in Greek philosophy, a philosophy which exalted human ideas above the word of God.

These were the church “fathers” of the four centuries after the apostles passed from the scene. Turning away from the spiritual power from God, which gives victory over sin, they instead courted human power: the power of popularity, fame, and money. With the excuse that they were making it easier for the heathen to be converted, they brought in heathen ceremonies and ideas, and “Christianized” them.

But instead of the heathen becoming true Christians, the Christians instead became heathen. Their practices, their aims, their religious ideas…all were heathen, sensual, devilish; but all was now done no longer under pagan names, but under the names of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the pantheon of saints. In short, the church became a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” 340p


  1. The Heathen World
  2. Heathen Philosophy
  3. The Apostolic Church
  4. The Fathers
  5. The Epistle of Barnabas
  6. Hermas and Clement
  7. The Epistles of Ignatius
  8. The Teaching of the Apostles
  9. Irenaeus
  10. Justin Martyr
  11. Clement of Alexandria
  12. Tertullian
  13. Origen
  14. The Great Apostasy
  15. The Great Apostasy (continued)
  16. The Great Apostasy (continued)
  17. The Great Apostasy (concluded)

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The Gospel of Isaiah

From 1898 to 1900, E. J. Waggoner wrote a series of weekly articles on the book of Isaiah, which he named The Gospel of Isaiah, because out of all the books of the Old Testament, the prophecies of Isaiah are the richest at foretelling the work of Jesus Christ, and the work Jesus does through His people.

The book of Isaiah is not just significant for its gospel teachings, but it has prophetic revelations for the latter days that expand on details given in the New Testament book of Revelation.

Also, as Waggoner brings out in the pages of the book, there is a “judgment” theme presented in Isaiah, which portrays God as being “on trial” before the universe, and we are called to be witnesses to clear His name from the false charges that Satan has made. These false charges are behind the rebellion upon this earth, and exist in every human heart, darkening it from the bright rays of life and light that God wishes to impart to His creation.

While there is at least one version of these articles available from other sources, this version surpasses that in many ways:

  • Special formatting rules were used to make all the Bible verses and quotes stand out clearly
  • Sub-headings were added to any articles that were lacking them
  • Related articles on Isaiah (that were not part of the original series) were added
  • Implied Bible verses were either stated, or footnoted
  • Verses from the chapter under consideration were highlighted with a gray background, and where they were implied but not stated, they have been inserted
  • Sources for Poems and Song lyrics were inserted as footnotes
  • 60+ Historic Bible pictures were added to fill the blank pages
  • There was no article for Isaiah 66 (the last chapter). One has been put together using other articles that referred to verses from that chapter

This commentary, on one of the grandest books of the Old Testament, is a foundational book in Adventist thought. All should consider it their duty to avail themselves of the blessings which God has so richly bestowed in the insights contained herein. 1000p


  1. Isaiah Called to Service
  2. The Prophetic Setting
  3. Smiting and Healing
  4. The Great Case at Law
  5. Regeneration or Destruction
  6. The Gospel of Isaiah
  7. A Gospel Epitome
  8. God Alone is Great
  9. Saved and Sent
  10. God Our Only Refuge and Strength
  11. The Power and Glory of the Kingdom
  12. Christ’s Coming Foretold
  13. Strength Out of Weakness
  14. Messiah’s Kingdom Foretold
  15. The Lord My Banner
  16. The New Song
  17. The Judgment Upon Babylon
  18. Israel’s Deliverance
  19. Selfish Ambition and Its Fall
  20. The Devouring Curse
  21. Deliverance of God’s People
  22. Trust and Protection
  23. God’s Care for His People
  24. The Crown of Shame and the Crown of Glory
  25. The Sure Foundation
  26. The Righteous Judgment of God
  27. The Cause of Ignorance
  28. Too Deep for Jehovah
  29. Worldly Alliance a Failure
  30. Waiting to Be Gracious
  31. The Reign of Righteousness
  32. Dwelling with Consuming Fire
  33. The King in His Beauty
  34. The Earth Desolated
  35. The Earth Restored
  36. A Prayer for Healing Answered
  37. Hezekiah’s Tribute of Thanksgiving
  38. Going to Babylon
  39. The Last Loud Gospel Cry
  40. The Comfort of the Gospel
  41. Preparing the Way of the Lord
  42. All Flesh is Grass
  43. The Lord God Will Come
  44. The Mighty God
  45. The Power that Keeps
  46. Strength for the Helpless
  47. The Great Case in Court
  48. The Summons to the Trial
  49. Fear Not!
  50. The Lord’s Servant
  51. A New Song
  52. Magnifying the Law
  53. I Am with You
  54. God’s Witnesses
  55. The Sin-bearer
  56. The Gift of the Spirit
  57. A Stupid, False Witness
  58. Abolishing the Enmity
  59. God, the Ruler of Nations
  60. The Unseen God
  61. Object of the Earth’s Creation
  62. The God That Can Save
  63. The Downfall of Pride
  64. The Peace of Righteousness
  65. The Despised One Chosen
  66. The Earth’s Interest in Redemption
  67. The Triumph of Submission
  68. Everlasting Righteousness Our Salvation
  69. The Power that Saves
  70. Beautiful Preachers of a Glorious Message
  71. The Arm of the Lord
  72. The Silent Sufferer
  73. The Building Up of Jerusalem
  74. A Gracious Offer to the Poor
  75. Height of Mercy
  76. Israel, the Gentiles, and the Sabbath
  77. Dwellers on High
  78. A Delightful Day
  79. A Terrible Indictment Against the Church
  80. The Restoration of Zion
  81. The Clothing Which God Gives
  82. God’s Watchfulness and Solicitude for His People
  83. The Mighty Saviour
  84. The Revelation of God
  85. The Glorious Inheritance
  86. Articles Containing Isaiah 66

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Fragments, Vol. 2: Healing and Temperance

Healing and TemperanceMedical Missionary Work, or the application of the Gospel principles to the healing of the body, is a vital part of the Gospel.

The Gospel deals with moral disease, and since it was sin that brought sickness into the world, the work of dealing with sin must also deal with the consequences of sin. So Christ spent a large part of His ministry in healing the diseases of the body, as an illustration of the power of His word to heal the soul.

It is the work of the Gospel to bring man back to obedience to God’s laws, both moral and physical. Since the final generation is distinctly marked out as those who “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12), the health work takes its place alongside the Gospel.

It is not surprising then, that when the Gospel message was revived in 1888, the principles of God’s way of healing were also brought to the forefront. Many people may not be aware of the large number of articles written by A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner on this topic, but here are the articles of Waggoner, gathered (I think) for the first time into one collection and organized according to topic.

The consistency and similarity with the later presentations of the same theme, as contained in the book “Your Doctor,” by F. T. Wright, bears witness to the fact that the 1888 message is still alive and well, and among us this very day. 681p

Note: There are too many articles to list here, so I have just listed the main categories that the book is divided into.

Contents (Sections)

  1. General Temperance Principles
  2. Pure Air and Light
  3. Exercise
  4. Food and Diet
  5. Water
  6. Cleanliness
  7. Dress
  8. Tea and Coffee
  9. Alcohol and Intoxicants
  10. Tobacco
  11. Meat
  12. Treatment of Animals
  13. Dangerous Medicines
  14. Natural Treatments
  15. Faith in God
  16. Under What Influence Are You?

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Fragments, Vol. 4: Money and Work

Money and WorkPractical work and the right management of the production of our labor, are key parts of the gospel, which gives men victory over their selfishness, and gives them the ability to do good works from a pure heart.

This volume gathers together those articles which cover business, labor, time, money, offerings, and the spirit of service as exercised in practical work. That these topics have a critical bearing on the final gospel work is shown by the prominence practical labor had in the life of Jesus, both in the years He spent in the carpenter shop, and in the ministry He carried forward during His 3½ years as the Anointed One.

We are to labor as Jesus labored:

John 14
12 He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Isaiah 58 also speaks of a time when the church will be turned from her vain and useless “works,” to minister the word and power of God, as a practical, living force. The gospel work is to close with the same demonstration of the spirit and work of God that began it, so long ago. 240p

Note: There are too many articles to list here, so I have just listed the main categories that the book is divided into.

Contents (Sections)

  1. Business Principles
  2. Labor Principles
  3. Tithes and Offerings
  4. Time and Money

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Fragments, Vol. 8: The Holy Spirit

The Holy SpiritThe Holy Spirit, or Comforter, is the representative of Jesus upon Earth. His work is to administer the riches of Christ to His church (“He shall take of mine and shall show it unto you.” John 16:15).

After the resurrection, when Jesus officially began His work as High Priest in the heavenly Sanctuary, there was a special dispensation of God’s grace, in the outpouring of the Spirit upon the church. This was the “early rain.”

As Christ’s ministry in the sanctuary draws to a close, there is to be another such outpouring, known as the “latter rain,” to complete the work of ingathering, and to to finish the purifying work of Christ’s ministry upon the church, so that His image is perfectly reflected through it.

Naturally then, the topic of the Holy Spirit is an important one, since the church must intelligently cooperate with the Spirit in this final work.

This volume contains the articles that Waggoner wrote which were specifically on the topic of the Holy Spirit: His role, His gifts, and how He is received. 100p


  1. The Fruit of the Spirit
  2. Work of the Holy Spirit
  3. Baptized by Fire
  4. The Comforter
  5. The Holy Spirit as a Revealer of Truth
  6. Advocate—Comforter
  7. Wisdom from the Spirit
  8. The Power of the Spirit
  9. The Purpose of Blessings
  10. Another Man
  11. What Hinders?
  12. All Things Given
  13. Belief and Action
  14. The Hearing Ear
  15. The Spirit’s Sword
  16. Something Better
  17. The Work of the Spirit
  18. Teaching Christianity
  19. Mechanical Skill a Gift from God
  20. Comfort in Conviction
  21. The Spirit and the Word
  22. An Important Difference
  23. How God Rules
  24. Speaking Life to the Dead
  25. A Reprover of Sin
  26. Bible Study: The Spirit of Prophecy
  27. The Power Ever Present
  28. Ministering the Spirit
  29. Rulership of the Spirit
  30. God’s Gifts an Incentive to Work
  31. The Convincing Power
  32. Good and Defective Eyesight
  33. Established by Spiritual Gifts
  34. The Spirit of Prophecy

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Fragments, Vol. 9B: Sabbath Compendium

Sabbath CompendiumHere is a significant new collection of all the articles by E. J. Waggoner on the Sabbath.

The articles collected into this volume consist of holy arguments and Biblical reasons in support of the seventh-day Sabbath, and the “rest” that the Gospel gives, of which the day is commemorative, instructional, and alive with the living power of God’s word.

This volume contains a treasure-trove of Gospel-based reasoning on the Sabbath commandment, showing the spiritual nature of the command.

The articles also address almost every kind of argument used to try and either remove the commandment altogether, or to put Sunday in its place.

Ecclesiastes 7
29 God has made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions.

But the Sabbath is part of the moral law, which defines righteousness. And therefore, any teaching of “righteousness by faith” which does not include the Sabbath, is defective and incomplete, and certainly not “the everlasting gospel” which Waggoner preached, and which is to be preached until Christ returns. 1183p


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Questions and Answers on the Bible

Questions and Answers on the BibleIn the September 6, 1900 edition of the Present Truth periodical, E. J. Waggoner introduced a new column, titled “The Editor’s Private Corner.” This was to continue for just over three years, until October 8, 1903, when Waggoner left his post as editor of the Present Truth in England, and returned to America.

The purpose of this column was to provide readers with a chance to ask any questions they had about the Bible. Waggoner drew upon the experience and wisdom gained from years of studying, teaching, and living the Advent faith, and combined that with a genuine love and interest in the spiritual welfare of the questioner.

Probably more than any other book or series that he wrote, these writings reveal the reasonableness, beauty, and consistency of the Bible teachings. Although most of the questions asked were published for the first time in this series, a few of them were drawn from periodicals of the past years, where the article had been written in question/answer format, and therefore it was suitable to republish them in this series. 1205p


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The Everlasting Gospel for Children, Vol. 4: Gospel Primer

Gospel PrimerThese “Gospel Primer” articles for children were written in 1903 and were aimed at the very youngest children.

Consequently they are very short and comprised of a simple retelling of some of the Bible stories, especially those that relate to the Second Advent, and the character required to be fitted for that great event.

I have included relevant and interesting historical Bible pictures for each of the stories. 30p


  1. The Creation of Man
  2. The First and Second Adam
  3. Cain and Abel
  4. Enoch: The Second Coming
  5. Methuselah
  6. Noah
  7. Abraham and Isaac
  8. Jacob and Esau
  9. Proud Korah
  10. Hannah and Samuel
  11. David and Goliath
  12. Nazareth
  13. Lazarus
  14. Signs of the Second Coming

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The Everlasting Gospel for Children, Vol. 5: The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord's PrayerAs a part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave instructions regarding prayer, and the model prayer which we know as “The Lord’s Prayer.”

In this collection of articles, E. J. Waggoner expounds this model prayer for the instruction of children. I have included relevant and interesting historical Bible pictures. 46p


  1. The Lord’s Prayer
  2. Our Father
  3. Who is in Heaven
  4. Hallowed Be Your Name
  5. Your Kingdom Come
  6. Your Will Be Done
  7. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
  8. Forgive Us Our Trespasses
  9. Deliver Us from Evil

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The Everlasting Gospel for Children, Vol. 9: The King’s House

The King's HouseOur bodies are the temple of the Lord. With this main thought, Waggoner explores the Old Testament Sanctuary and its Services, finding gospel truths revealed everywhere.

These articles were written for children, but are also of benefit to God’s “older” children. I have included relevant and interesting historical Bible pictures. 54p


  1. God’s Temple
  2. The House of the Lord
  3. A Living Temple
  4. The Pattern
  5. The Holy Place
  6. The Throne
  7. The Golden Candlestick
  8. The Bread of the Presence
  9. The Altar of Incense
  10. The Laver
  11. The Altar of Sacrifice
  12. The Cleansing of the Tabernacle

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The Everlasting Gospel for Children, Vol. 11: Easy Steps for Little Feet

Easy Steps for Little FeetThese articles, published from December 1901 to July 1903, are aimed at very young children. They are shorter, and the language is simpler.

The lessons are drawn from nature, with occasional references to the Word of God.

There are 41 short articles in this collection, so I have skipped the usual Contents listing.

Many historical pictures were added to illustrate the text. 50p


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