Through the Bible

Through the BibleAppearing in the 1908 Medical Missionary periodical, these articles cover the first 8 chapters of Genesis.

It seems they were intended to cover the whole Bible, but the series was never finished.

There are, however, some very nice gospel insights, and these studies contain the only explanation of the everlasting covenant spoken to Noah, in all the writings of A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner. 145p

Contents (Sections)

  1. Preparing for a Study of the Bible
  2. Main Periods in the Bible
  3. A Brief History of Worldly Kingdoms
  4. A Brief History of Man
  5. Creative Steps
  6. The Creative Word
  7. Creation or Evolution: Which?
  8. Man and Woman
  9. Man’s Diet and God’s Rest
  10. God’s Purpose in His Rest Day
  11. The Fall – I
  12. The Fall – II
  13. The Redemption – I
  14. The Redemption – II
  15. The Redemption – III
  16. What Was Cain’s Fault
  17. The Unrepentant Cain
  18. What Caused the Flood
  19. The Flood
  20. The Rainbow and Its Meaning – I
  21. The Rainbow and Its Meaning – II

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3 thoughts on “Through the Bible”

  1. Great read by Jones.

    Page 118 ( “as” it did / instead of “is” it did )

    Page 128 ( not affect “his course / instead of “has” course )

  2. Terrance,
    Thanks for the corrections. These mistakes are in the FolioViews Pioneer Writings collection, from where I get the text. I correct many of them, but a few always manage to get through. I’ll keep a list of your corrections and add them to the next revision.

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