The History of Government

The History of GovernmentThis short treatise looks at the topic of Political Science from a Christian perspective. A. T. Jones draws on his wealth of knowledge of history to show why it is that nations decayed and fell; why their governments became weak and could not hold the society together anymore.

He deals with the Biblical principle that “righteousness exalts a nation” (Proverbs 14:34), and shows that self-government (also known as self-control, or temperance) lies at the foundation of the strength of a nation. If the citizens have self-government, then their national government will be strong.

Since it is only the gospel of Jesus Christ that can give man back his dignity and self-control, then true religion has much to do with the stability of nations.


  1. Eternal and Foundation Principles
  2. Two Kinds of Government
  3. The History of Government
  4. The Establishing of Imperialism
  5. The Perpetuation of Imperialism
  6. Character of Earthly Monarchy
  7. Rome: Self-Government
  8. Rome: the Decline of Self-Government
  9. Ecclesiastical Government of Rome
  10. Departure from True Principle I
  11. Departure from True Principle II
  12. The End of Earthly Human Government

Jones also deals with the Roman republic and the causes of its decay, and parallels this with the similar path pursued by the nations of today, especially America, the nation above all others that stood for the principle of self-government.

This is a very important book for the times that we live in. 77p


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2 thoughts on “The History of Government”

  1. Dear brother in the Lord:

    I greet you in the Lord’s name which is above every other name, Jesus Christ.

    I recently gave my life to Christ. I am a 24 year old Girl and I am drug addict in high school. I belong to a group of bad friends. We had regular drinking and smoking parties, and end up in humanizing. One day after smoking and drinking heavily at a night party, the police came to arrest some criminals and I was arrested too, and they took us to the station.

    During this time some of my friends abandoned me and I was in the police cell. There I met a preacher who preached to me about Jesus and the saving grace He has for us. Then I decided to give my whole life to Christ because I realized that all we were doing is not good.

    I have now surrendered my life to Christ, promising never to return to sin. Jesus is now my Lord and Saviour. I want to work for the Lord all the days of my life.

    I need your prayers encouragement and I also need your help for 12 complete English Bibles for me and my friends. We don’t have any Bible to continue in our new life.

    May the Lord bless you.
    I look forward receiving the Bibles.

    Here is my address:
    Student Fellowship Center
    No 48 Olaifa Close
    Eleyele West
    Oyo State

    Yours in Christ
    Sister Pat Chichi Iheanyi

    1. Pat, I offer books free on this website, but only in electronic format (PDF). I have no books or Bibles to send to you. I get requests quite often from Africa, for printed books. I think it would be good for African believers to look to God for help, and use the resources they have right around them. He is your problem-solver, bring the problems to Him.

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