
THIS section contains books, pamphlets, and written material (mostly) in PDF format, particularly those writings that fit in with the theme of this website: the Gospel Plan unfolded in Prophecy.

Over the last 10 years, these publications have constantly been updated, and many of them are in need of a revision to bring them up-to-date with the latest formatting rules, and to apply corrections and additions. The publication date (Month and Year) is listed on the page just following the cover for each book. New releases and formatting updates are listed in the What’s New? page. If you want to confirm that you have the latest release, you can search that page, and if the latest release date is the same as the one on the inside cover of your copy, you have the newest version.

Since about the fall of 2022, we have switched the margins from a wider inside margin (3/4″, for binding), to an equal-margin scheme (1/2″ all around). This decision was made because most people read the books on an electronic device, and therefore a non-equal margin scheme is unnecessary. As well, I’ve taken out the blank pages before chapters. This was done to make the chapter starting page always appear on the right page, a style used for printing. But for reading on a device this is also not necessary. Many of the books still need to be updated to apply these new rules.

Note: if you download the ODT files, you will need the fonts that are used in the documents to have them display properly. In all cases, these will include Linux Libertine and Linux Biolinum series (

Please note that from 2019 on, I am using the plain Libertine fonts, and NOT the “G” (graphite) versions. The graphite fonts supported many more extended features (which, however I don’t really use), but introduced some issues when copying text out of PDF files. Not all the previous documents have been converted over yet, so you may want to install both for now. Often the Liberation Sans series are used also. I am using the older version, below 2.00, as the Liberation Sans Narrow font is always used in the books, but is not included in later releases of the font due to licensing issues. Download the fonts below:

Other fonts used in the books (usually for the Cover page) are listed just after the cover, and are included in the “Working Files” download, in the “Download” section under each book. Occasionally, books might contain a song inserted as an SVG file. SVG files will require the music fonts to be installed to display properly in the ODT file. In such cases, you will need to install the Opus music fonts, which can be downloaded here:

Make sure LibreOffice is closed while you install the fonts. If, after installing the fonts, the fonts in the document do not display correctly, simply modify each Paragraph Style affected and change the Font to the correct one.

Writings by Andreas Dura

Andreas DuraAndreas Dura (1954-2021) was the main minister of our worldwide church after the ministry of Fred Wright. His work was analogous to what Martin Luther or John Wesley were to their respective churches: a leader who gave guidance and messages to the church as a whole.

Around 1989, when Fred Wright, the founder of our church, started getting too weak to continue his public ministry, Andreas gradually took over that responsibility and was officially ordained to the task in August 1994.

Andreas did not have the leisure to sit down and write books, so much of what he taught came via camp-meetings, seminars, and sabbath sermons. Some of these have been transcribed, and I am in the process of reformatting these, and will upload them here when available.

Click here to view and download those writings.

Writings by Fred Wright

Fred WrightFred Wright (1925-1997) was the man whom God used to establish our church, and to continue the light of the message first given in 1888 by E. J. Waggoner and A. T. Jones. The foundation of his message was based on his own struggle to find freedom from the sad state of always failing under temptation. In His message, “sin is not what we do, but what we are”, and the solution for the sin problem was not just forgiveness for wrong actions, but also “deliverance from the bondage of sin.”

Fred taught that the “carnal mind” of Romans 8:7 was equivalent to the “stony heart” mentioned in Ezekiel 36:26, and that it was an evil spiritual nature that needed to be removed from the human body, and replaced with the divine seed of Jesus Christ. Like John the Baptist, he taught that “the axe must be laid to the root of the tree.”

Because he often used the illustration of the good tree and evil tree (or “thornbush”) to illustrate the condition of man’s spiritual nature, he was called “thornbush Wright” by some of his enemies. This did not bother him though!

Much of what Fred taught was written down in books and pamphlets, and these are presented here. As I have time, I will also include some unpublished writings, or some articles that were only circulated via the church’s monthly “Messenger” magazine.

Click here to view and download those writings.

Writings by A. T. Jones

A. T. JonesA. T. Jones (1850-1923) was a minister in the Seventh-day Adventist church. From around 1888 onward, he spoke and wrote very actively about “the everlasting gospel,” and the practical way to receive “Christ’s righteousness.”

Jones was also a student of history, and wrote many volumes dealing with ancient history and the Bible. He also took a very active role in the defense and promotion of religious liberty in the USA.

His writings fell into obscurity after his death, but were recovered in the 1950’s. It was the turmoil associated with the rediscovery of his message, and the opposition it faced in the Seventh-day Adventist Church that led to the formation of the Sabbath Rest Advent Church. Since his message is the foundation of ours, it is appropriate to include some of his writings on this website.

Click here to view and download those writings.

Writings by E. J. Waggoner

E. J. WaggonerE. J. Waggoner (1855-1916) was a minister in the Seventh-day Adventist church. From around 1888 onward, he spoke and wrote very actively about “the everlasting gospel,” and the practical way to receive “Christ’s righteousness.”

Waggoner was formally trained as a doctor, but spent most of his time in the ministry. He worked with A. T. Jones for some years in the field of Religious Liberty, and also ministered in England from 1892 to 1903, editing the British Present Truth magazine.

His writings fell into obscurity after his death, but were recovered in the 1950’s. It was the turmoil associated with the rediscovery of his message, and the opposition it faced in the Seventh-day Adventist Church that led to the formation of the Sabbath Rest Advent Church. Since his message is the foundation of ours, it is appropriate to include his writings on this website.

Click here to view and download those writings.

Writings by Ellen G. White

Ellen G. WhiteEllen G. White (1827-1915) participated in the Advent revival as a young lady, and went on to become a founding pioneer in the Seventh-day Adventist church.

God called her to write and speak His message: a message that was to open up the neglected truths of the Bible, particularly those truths needed to prepare believers to meet their Lord at His return.

Her books are full of the riches of Christian truth. For example, her book on the life of Christ, The Desire of Ages, is unequalled in it’s spiritual depth, intellectual clarity, and beauty of language. But just as it was in Jesus’ time, so it is today—very few recognize the Shepherd’s voice through His chosen agents.

Isaiah 53
1 Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

Since her writings are widely available on many websites and via Apps for computers and mobile devices, I will not attempt to reproduce all the material here (in any case, my life would be too short to accomplish it!). Instead, I will offer here a few collections of periodical articles that are unique and which have not been widely published in book/booklet form, and, as time permits, some of her more important books.

Click here to view and download those writings.

Writings by Meade MacGuire

Meade MacGuireMeade MacGuire (1875-1967) was a prominent Adventist leader and author. He would have been 13 years old when the “everlasting gospel” message was revived at the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference, by elders Waggoner and Jones.

He was active from his youth, organizing a Youth Missionary society at the age of 16 (1891). Later, he served at the Review and Herald Publishing Association, organized the youth of Battle Creek for study and missionary work, served in the Colorado Conference office, was business manager of Boulder Sanitarium and hospital, and an author of a number of very precious small books that contained the 1888 gospel message, which is why he finds a place on this website.

Meade was one of the few, after Waggoner and Jones passed from the scene, who grasped the 1888 gospel message, and taught it very simply and clearly in his books and writings. His beautiful message acted as a bridge between 1888 and our time, so that the truth was preserved, and witness was borne to it, even in the years when the actual writings of Waggoner and Jones were all but lost and forgotten.

Fred Wright, during his first trip to America in 1964, wrote about meeting Meade MacGuire as follows:

There was one brother there, however, who really captured my attention–Elder Meade McGuire. He was one of the very few who really grasped the light which came through the open portals of heaven in the messages which were unfolded through the ministries of Elders Waggoner and Jones between 1888 and 1893. At the time I met him, he was becoming nearer and nearer to one hundred. Meade McGuire wrote those three fine little books, Lambs Among Wolves, His Cross and Mine, and The Life of Victory.

As I came away from his place I felt a sense of one era in the history of the Church being replaced by the next. I believe that the full significance of what took place between us there, will not be truly understood until, in heaven, the books of records shall be opened by us.

Click here to view and download those writings.

Writings by Edward Irving

Edward Irving (1792-1834) Edward Irvingis undoubtedly my favorite reformer from history. Some may question calling him a reformer, but that is exactly what he was. He participated in the worldwide Second Advent revival in the early 1800’s. His field of ministry was England and Scotland (his birth-place).

His two volumes on the book of Revelation, “Exposition of the Book of Revelation in a Series of Lectures,” originally written in 1831, contain by far the most spiritual comments and explanations of this important book of the Bible, above and beyond any other author before him, and are still well beyond what is taught in most churches today regarding prophecy and how it fits in with the gospel plan.

Asides from his involvement in the Advent revival, he was a remarkable man in many ways. He combined a deep learning and eloquence, with a sensitive and warm Christian love, especially for the poor, whom he often ministered to when he was training in Scotland. He expected God to do wonderful things through the church before Christ’s appearing, but would not live to see that day, as his life was cut short at a fairly young age (42).

He loved to dwell on the rich teachings of prophecy and the outworking of God’s plans through Christ in History, which constitute a large part of the treasure he has left behind. He treated the book of Revelation as it was intended to be: an open door into the knowledge of God’s plan through Christ to restore what sin had taken away. Someone wisely once said that “in the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end.” (Ellen White, The Acts of the Apostles, p. 585). He loved to trace these threads, pulling in analogies, prophecies, types, patterns, and parallels all through the Bible to show how God’s great plan had been unfolding, step by step.

Click here to view and download those writings.

Pioneer Writings

This section includes any books, pamphlets, or articles by Adventist pioneers, Millerites, or anything else related to the Second Advent message.

I’ve also included some items from the Brinsmead Awakening of the late 1950’s – early 1960’s, since it was a revival of the 1888 “Everlasting Gospel” message, and an important milestone in the history of our church.

Click here to view and download those writings.


This section contains miscellaneous writings from people in our church.

Click here to view and download those writings.


This section presents a series of brochures that our church has produced recently, in order to introduce our faith to other people, and to promote the health message.

Click here to view and download those writings.