The year 1978 saw Fred driving across the USA, and also making a quick trip back to Europe in between. We have a full series of studies from the California camp, and a few odd studies which we are not sure of the location. For interest, just to see how busy the travel in America was becoming, the timeline for the travel in America in 1978 was like this:
- August 25 – September 2: Arkansas Camp Meeting – Righteousness by Faith vs Righteousness by Law (with some application to health).
- September 8 – September 15 (or 17?): California Camp Meeting – Righteousness by Faith vs Righteousness by Law (with some application to health).
- September 22 (Friday evening) to September 25 (Monday evening): Meetings in Medford, Oregon – It was here Fred received news of the death of Wolfgang Meyer, the main worker in Germany.
- September 29 (Friday morning, 9am): Fly out of the USA (Boise to Chicago to New York to Frankfurt).
- September 30 (Sabbath noon): Arrive in Frankfurt, attends the funeral and meets with the European believers in Germany.
- October 8 (Sunday): Leave Frankfurt, and arrive back in Boise, ID by midnight. In bed by 2am.
- October 9 (Monday): Drive north from Boise to Kamiah. Study with interests from Monday to Thursday.
- October 14 (Sabbath): Large group in Walla Walla (70 people) for Friday night. The study was on the Seven Angels. The group dwindled down to 7 eager listeners by Sabbath afternoon. In the large group, there was controversy over righteousness being IN the believer, as many were being influenced by the new theology sweeping Adventism.
- October 15 (Monday): Visit interests in Twin Falls for a week. Drive back to Boise, Idaho, for a day study. Drive to Montpelier, Indiana.
- October 20-21: Spend Sabbath and Sunday with a collected group of believers from all over the US.
- October 22 (Monday): Drive north to Pleasant Lake to visit a family not yet fully established in the message.
- October 22 (Tuesday): Drive to South Lancaster, Massachusetts.
- October 26 (Sabbath): Meeting with a group of interested people. Drive to New York.
- November 6 (Monday): Meet with Springer and Tepper families. Drive to Washington, DC.
- November ??: Study with a family of black people.
- November ??: Drive to North Carolina – visit the Bradburns.
- November 16 (Thursday): Meet with believers in Augusta, Georgia.
- November 19 (Sunday): Leave in the morning and drive to Holiday, Florida (with a stop in Georgia).
At this point, Fred wrote:
So far this year, we have driven over twelve thousand miles in the United States to meet all the additional calls as well as the regular ones. The journey is getting physically wearisome and from this point of view, we will welcome its conclusion. (The Messenger and News Review, November 1978)
- November ??: Drive to Mississippi. Meet with a couple interested in the truth.
- November ??: Drive to North Eastern Oklahoma.
- November 27 (Monday) to December 1 (Friday): Meet at Richard Marchant’s place with a group of interests.
- December 3 (Sunday): Drive to Arizona.
- December 6 (Wednesday): Camp meeting in Bagdad, Arizona. Started studies Wednesday night, but by Monday (11th) there were some differences in part of the group, and the decision was made to leave and move on.
- December 12 (Tuesday): Drive to Oakhurst, California.
- December 16 (Sabbath): Study with Mack McCoy and some guests.
- December 17 (Sunday): Drive to Fresno and fly back to Australia.
There are seven assorted studies from this year that were not labelled as to their location. I am putting them under “Arkansas,” since we already have a full set of studies from California. But this is arbitrary.
Romans 7 and 8
The Character of God: Some Principles
The Seven Angels
Revelation 17
The Californian camp followed the Arkansas gathering with only six days between…The sky above was clean of all pollution so that its blue was of a deep and pure quality. This reminded us daily of the righteousness of Christ which covered us as completely. The sun shining in clear, warm rays, likewise told us continually of the living beams of the Son of God shining upon us. Such tokens of divine love and care told us that we would have a very blessed and wonderful camp indeed. So it proved to be. . . .
Without question it was the most spiritual, powerful, challenging and blessed camp meeting ever convened in California. The believers were convinced that the Lord is giving us just the message we need to prepare us for what is coming in the near future. Furthermore, we are being challenged to lay hold of the very power of the latter rain. With new visions of what faith is and what it can do, and of the high and glorious levels of experience to which the Lord is calling us, the believers journey to their homes with a surer, deeper sense of consecration than ever before. (The Messenger and News Review, September 1978)
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