The School of Life

The School of Life

Whenever humans get themselves into trouble, God can use the very consequences of these actions, to work the purification of our characters. This depends on us handing the problems over to him, and accepting the circumstances (in His hand) as a means through which He will build the right character in us.

The great danger is that we will interpret these circumstances as something against us, and begin to be filled with self-pity, and then try to find ways of escaping the bitter trials. So this booklet attempts to deal with this problem, and show us how to maintain a right attitude to the trials and troubles of life.

Jesus, Joseph, John the Baptist, and Ellen White are held out as examples of people who reacted in a way that God could bless. 44p


  1. Introduction
  2. Classrooms
  3. Accepting the School of Life
  4. John the Baptist
  5. The School of Life Rejected
  6. Joseph
  7. Jesus in the School of Life
  8. Deliverance from Self-Pity


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