Prophecy should never be an abstract, speculative, or fanatical branch of religion. It is only so when studied apart from the practical teachings of the gospel. This site is called Practica Prophetica because it will pursue this aim, of studying prophecy in the light of the gospel. The study of prophecy will then become a practical, life-changing power.
“…there is a God in heaven
that reveals secrets…”
Daniel 2:28
What is prophecy? It is the study of future events. It is the forward-looking eyes of the church, whereby she can perceive and prepare for what is coming. It is also an important evidence of the divine nature of God, for only He whose infinite mind can comprehend and calculate the effect of every force and action upon the earth, can predict how they will interact and work themselves out.
“The time is fulfilled,
and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent, and believe the gospel.”
Mark 1:15
And what is the gospel? It is God’s great plan to heal the wounds that sin has made in the universe, and to restore a correct understanding of His character of beauty to all whose understanding has been darkened by rebellion, hypocrisy, tradition and false teaching. The church, when faithful, is God’s human agency on earth to cooperate in the accomplishment of that plan. Since God’s purposes are unfolded in prophecy, the church cannot cooperate with Him unless she has a good understanding of the same.
“I am Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end,
the first and the last.”
Revelation 22:13
Whereas by history we can learn from what is behind, by prophecy we can learn about what is ahead. Both are needful and equally important in an education after the divine pattern. The prophetic events that reveal the work which Jesus will carry out in heaven and on earth in behalf of His people are equally as important to study as are the historical events of His life and death. Both branches stem from one united trunk. Both reveal God’s character, for both are a manifestation of Him.
“Come unto me,
all that labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
By itself, the study of prophetic events can degenerate into speculation and human conjecture, which can be wearisome and confusing. But when studied in the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ, prophecy becomes a gleaming star of hope, a light of joy in an often dark world of sorrow and despair.
“What therefore God has joined together,
let not man put asunder.”
Mark 10:9
The wonderful combination of prophecy and gospel is what this website is dedicated to. And because the gospel is a great simplifier of life’s problems, it renders the explanation of prophecy simple enough that even a child may understand it.
“It is a serious mistake to segment the Scriptures
into subject areas: history, doctrine, prophecy,
genealogies, law and the gospel.
It is all the gospel.
Therefore, if prophecy is taught
as God intended that it should be,
then it will be but the teaching
of the gospel of Christ.”
F. T. Wright,
Messenger and News Review, November 1977,
“Why a Detached Fourth Angel.”
More Specifically
The purpose of this website is to gather, organize, and clearly present all the important materials that support, promote, and advance the movements that arose to proclaim and prepare for the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven. No stone of truth will be left unturned, and no ray of light will be considered “non-essential.” Special emphasis will be given to those people whom God specifically used as messengers to the church. Self-sent messengers and hirelings will not find room here. We draw inspiration from the following statements:
SDA Bible Commentary, vol 6, p. 1091
[Referring to the heavenly life:] Then much will be revealed in explanation upon matters upon which God now keeps silence because we have not gathered up and appreciated that which has been made known of the eternal mysteries.The ways of Providence will be made clear; the mysteries of grace through Christ will be unfolded. That which the mind cannot now grasp, which is hard to be understood, will be explained. We shall see order in that which has seemed unexplainable: wisdom in everything withheld; goodness and gracious mercy in everything imparted.
Truth will be unfolded to the mind, free from obscurity, in a single line, and its brightness will be endurable. The heart will be made to sing for joy. Controversies will be forever ended, and all difficulties will be dissolved.
Prophets and Kings, p. 609
Ezra became a mouthpiece for God, educating those about him in the principles that govern heaven. During the remaining years of his life, whether near the court of the king of Medo-Persia or at Jerusalem, his principal work was that of a teacher. As he communicated to others the truths he learned, his capacity for labor increased. He became a man of piety and zeal. He was the Lord’s witness to the world of the power of Bible truth to ennoble the daily life.The efforts of Ezra to revive an interest in the study of the Scriptures were given permanency by his painstaking, lifelong work of preserving and multiplying the Sacred Writings. He gathered all the copies of the law that he could find and had these transcribed and distributed. The pure word, thus multiplied and placed in the hands of many people, gave knowledge that was of inestimable value.
SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7, p. 984
We must not wait for the latter rain. It is coming upon all who will recognize and appropriate the dew and showers of grace that fall upon us. When we gather up the fragments of light, when we appreciate the sure mercies of God, who loves to have us trust Him, then every promise will be fulfilled. [Isaiah 61:11 quoted.] The whole earth is to be filled with the glory of God (Letter 151, 1897).
The Ministry of Healing, p. 116
Although for ages sin has been strengthening its hold on the human race, although through falsehood and artifice Satan has cast the black shadow of his interpretation upon the word of God, and has caused men to doubt His goodness; yet the Father’s mercy and love have not ceased to flow earthward in rich currents. If human beings would open the windows of the soul heavenward, in appreciation of the divine gifts, a flood of healing virtue would pour in.
John 6
12 Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.